In the woods

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Now, a story about a girl going into the woods to get her grandmother some baked goods.

Red riding hood.

She was just walking back from school to go home. She herself was named Rei, finally going home her father and mother ask her to bring some baked goods to grandmother's house since she was sick. Rei did what she was told and brung the baked goods to her grandmothers. She grabbed a basket and put the food inside the basket. Then she walked inside the deep dark part of the woods where her grandmother lived, strangely." I wonder.. " She whispered to herself. Rei looked around to see nothing walking behind her.  Something had appeared behind the trees, Rei backed up scared, there was a huge rattling sound from around her. Rei then picked up a pebble on the ground and threw it at the noise. Then something else appeared too, there was a guy getting attacked by squirrels, "Ahck, get off me!" He yelled. Rei looked at him and said," Shoo squirrels." And the squirrels suddenly left after that. Rei then turned to the boy, " So, what are you doing this deep in the forest?" Rei asked, with her head twitched to the right. He had his hands behind his back,"Sorry, I was trying to find someone." He said back. "Is that so?" Rei mumbles, looking down," Who you looking for this deep in the forest?" Rei asks and the boy pauses.

Rei looked at the basket," I must have taken the wrong path again." He sighs." Well, you can take this path I'm on." Rei says." Hope you find who you are looking for, and be careful of wolves." The boy step on the path Rei took and went the opposite way. "You stay safe too." He said. "Hmm.." Rei mumbles as she gets on going towards her grandmothers. She skips all the way to her grandma's house, picking some flowers along the way. When she gets there she knocks on the door two times. "Grandma, may I come in?" Rei asks. Though all she hears on the other side of the door was a growling noise. Rei found that the door was opened, her grandma on the floor with a wolf pup licking her. Rei gasps and steps back." Grandma?" She cracks up and her eyes go wide as she steps back.

Her grandmother coughs and smiles at Rei." Hey there, Rei." She says. The wolf pup barks happily. Rei walks forward in relief." I came to give you goods and medicine from my hometown." Says Rei." Thanks, Rei." Her grandma replies. "Why did you scare me like that?!" Rei yells. "Just testing you." The grandmother said sitting up. Rei then turns back to lock the door, then back to her grandmother. She puts the basket on the floor where her grandma sat. "Brought the cards?" Her grandma said. "Of course I did, I never forget." Rei grins and her grandma chuckles.


That's all for this chapter.

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