How It Began

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This is the updated version of this chapter.

Also warning because there is a strong topic in this story.

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Erin, a boy in the kingdom, a bit far from the schools or other houses he was a very lonely person. Erin had short black hair and light brown eyes, he was the most responsible in the family. His father had abandoned them completely, his mother was left with a couple money and the mansion he also left behind with a note that said goodbye. She had raised money from two jobs she worked just for Erin. As Erin grew up, he cared for his mother deeply and also worked and cleaned at home. He started school and educated so he could get a better job. He learned school was a terrible place, and got bullied, they called his mother and him peasants. Erin did not stand for that of course and he fought them and won, but was reported to the office and punished.

He wasn't really a softie, but he was kind to people and was always giving. The bullies had push to his limit and cracked a nerve, at first he ignored them, but they did it every time he was in school or when they got a break. No one helped him, they just watched as he got kicked around. Sometimes he'll just go home with bruises and tell his mother he tripped and fell really bad. After what happened the bullies stopped bothering him, but his bruises were so bad that he had bandages over almost all of his body.

Erin was one day walking from school, every nerve in his body hurts. A tear fell down his cheeks and he cried quietly. He hid in a open garden nearby the house, it was his favorite place, but he cried there instead. That's when he heard someone walk towards him and he flinched. His black hair covered his one good eye and from the tears, so he wouldn't even see the person either way. "Hey, are you okay?" The person asked. Erin looked up and all he could make up was the color of the person's hair, it was a dark blue. Their voice was sooth and clear. "Uh.. " Erin mumbled and wiped his tear from his eye. "Are you crying?!" They exclaimed. They lift Erin's hair up and look at Erin's eye. They then get a handkerchief and give it to Erin. "Thanks." Erin whispered. "Your welcome." The other smiled and help Erin stand up.

"Never knew if anyone came here except my brother and me. If you see me again, you're welcomed to say hello to anytime." They smile again and look at the castle. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Erin whispered and they nod happily.

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Soon, Erin's mother had gotten sick, he was left with his step sisters and step father because his mother married again two years ago. His mother had met with his step father at a party that she took part in planning. Erin's mother was happy once again, seeing his mother smile once again brought tears to his eyes. They two did indeed loved each other, but his step father and him did not as much. His mother tried to get the two to get along, but they just hated one another. Erin's mother adored his daughters as she never had daughters, it was a so called happy family. Erin felt empty, his step father spoiled the girls, they were pretty girly. His mother was so happy and he didn't want to ruin it with himself, so he lied to her that he was fine.

So when his mother gotten sick, he knew the only people he had left were them and he tried to think to himself that they would care about him. At his mother's funeral, he cried the whole day, the sky was gloomy and it rained heavily. The day after, his step father started to treat the boy terribly as Erin reminded him of his wife. The girls were the same, they haven't had a motherly figure that impacted them so much and they started to bully Erin to make themselves feel better.

Erin had moved to their house ever since his mother have gotten sick. Though he was still in school, and was still working, but his job paid him better that his other. Erin was forced to sleep in the living room, it was cold one night and he sept near the fireplace to keep himself warm. In the morning the he had ash smeared on his face from sleeping near the fire place. The step sisters had laughed and called him a low life. "You'll never be as grand as dear father." They laughed. Erin sighed, they had thought of a nickname to call him.. They called him Cinderin. He was annoyed of the stupid name, but he couldn't do anything about it. Erin's new room was now in the attic after sleeping in the living room due to his step sisters, Sera and Gizza. He didn't mind it though, it was the best view in the house. The house was nearby the village, so he would walk there to shop for food or to get what they wanted.

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