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This somehow glitch and broke. Also it's been a long time since I've been on this account on Wattpad. Ay, but I'm back my people.

This is a warning, this may contain deep subjects.


Erin had returned to the house after walking for about an half a hour. It was now sprinkling, but luckily Erin had gotten home with no soaked clothes. He after had taken a shower, there were no chores to do as he had finished them all after going to the ball. So he decided to just sleep the night off until it was morning.


The next morning, it was strange to hear no loud voices echo through the house. Maybe they were being nice for once? Erin went straight to the washroom to was his face and then get ready. He went downstairs to find nobody at all. "Huh..?" Erin mumbled as he looked around to find anyone. "Did they just leave me here?" He sighs as to maybe why, "Whatever then." Erin walks outside, closing the door and locking it behind him. Usually in the morning he takes a stroll around the village, today was his day off from work, so he really had nothing to do. He is strolling past the few trees that past by, he hums a tune as he observes at the world him.

• • • • • • • • • •

At the castle...

Ray was tired, he had stayed up til midnight and hadn't gotten enough sleep since. He was thinking earlier in the party about they guy he had met, after meeting with a girl named Sera they just disappeared out of nowhere. Ray took the personality trait of his mother, kinda, he would usually try to talk to a person that is feeling down and try his best to cheer them up.

He did wanted to talk to they guy he met more, didn't know why he was interested in him, but he seemed depressing. Ray looked at the clock on his wall, he got up from the chair he was sitting on and went to check on his father. This was his daily routine, well ever since his father came back from war. His father was badly hurt after the war, they say that it would take him 20 weeks to heal. Though even after he's fully healed it would be a while until he walks again.

His father, King Haven, was reading an old fairy tale as Ray walks in the room. "You look tired." King Haven says still looking at the book. "Yeah, yeah." Ray says. "The amount of girls at the ball today were terrifying." King Haven laughs in response. "You do have my looks." Ray rolls his eyes. "Just came to check up on you as usual." King Haven hums in response, he closes the book and puts it on a table besides him. "Hey, Ray.. How's Warren doing?" He asks, "I haven't seen him in a while." Ray takes a seat by his father. "He's been going out the kingdom more often." Ray replies. "He did show up at the ball though, well kinda. He just passed the people and went to his room." Ray shrugs. "Just tell Warren to visit me more often, I get worried for him." King Haven says and Ray nods. He gets up and waves goodbye to his father then leaves the room.

"I wonder, where the heck is Warren going." Ray mumbles to himself. Curious, Ray walks to his room to check if he was there. He knocks on the door two times and the door opens, it was Warren. "Hey Warren, you have been disappearing lately." Ray says," Where are you going?" Warren blinks twice, scratching his neck. "I've just been meeting a friend." He answers. "Well dad has been worried about you, he wants you to visit him more." Ray says. "I'll just be going back to sleep thank you." Warren says yawning and then closes the door. "Wow." Ray mumbles.


Erin's POV

I had nothing to do today, no step father or sisters to boss me around. This actually feels kinda nice, for once they aren't here and I finished all my tasks yesterday. I decided to go back to the garden where I use to work at with the gardener there. I smiled at the thought of her, she was always so sweet to me and mother. I remember we picked the pumpkin in her garden and made stew, she was the whole reason I am still happy. I don't get to visit her often, but even when she's not around she seems to put a smile on my face.

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