Wolves are suppose to be bad

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Rei's POV

"So grandma, why is there a wolf pup here?" I ask. She looks at me," Well, this is Wool, Rei." She response to me." That's kind of ironic grandma." I say eyeing her while she chuckles. "I had just found him a couple of days ago, he was hurt by someone." She continued. I open the card box to shuffle the cards for us to play. "Who would hurt Wool?" I ask, but I have a feeling I know already. "Hunters." My grandma states, in a serious tone. I pause, I knew it. "May I touch him?" I ask. "Of course Rei." She answers, and Wool jumps on me, making me fall back. I laugh as he licks my face, I pet Wool and he's super fluffy! My grandma beats me at Slap Jack once again. I don't even know how, she's an old lady. Though if you actually look at her she kinda looks young, nah. When we restart the game again, I hear some rattling coming outside. I look through the window slowly, something flies by.

"Ah what - did you see that grandma?" I ask though I think it was stupid of me because her eyes must be terrible by now." See what?" She asks and I sigh," Never mind, grandma." We get back to playing the card game." And you win again." I say sarcastically and sigh. There was a knock at the door." Who can be that I wonder." Says my grandma. She gets up from the floor and walks to the door to open it. I look through the window and see a huge grey wolf. I gasp and grandma opens the door. I now look at the door, awaiting what walk in and I run to grandma. Their was the guy wearing a brown and dark green leather jacket with a bow strapped to him." Oh, hello there, Rei." Says Sniper. I smile nervously," Hello." He was kind of the guard of the forest, he is kind of a hunter, this is not a good situation. I look behind me nervously, Wool was playing with the blanket. " I was checking in if you guys were in trouble. " Sniper says." Nah, we are great, thank you." My grandma says smoothly, surprisingly. While I am trying to hide the nervousness in my voice."Okay, I'll be moving on to the other house, see ya later you two." He smiles walking off and I wave bye to him.

Phew, good that he's gone for now. I mean, he isn't a terrible guy, but is it safe to be a bit worried? Grandma locks the door again and we play the card game once again. I look for Wool, he's nowhere to seen. "Hey, Grandma Aein?" I asked still looking around. "Have you seen Wool anywhere?" My grandma looked around as I did. She stood up as did I, "Look around the house." She said going upstairs. I guess I'm checking downstairs. I check the living room, listening for sounds on the way, nothing. Where it he!? I went to the kitchen, not there, the laundry, nope. There was a slightly opened door, I never went in the room though, he could be there. I slowly pushed the door opened, I heard a sneeze, it was Wool. Thank goodness we found him! I looked around the room, there were potions all around and some books too. That's when I heard a low squeak, I looked behind me, it was Grandma Aein. "What are you guys doing in here?" She asked. I was quite frightened, was this my grandma or a fake? I slowly back up towards Wool who was on the ground. "Why do you have this weird room." I ask. "It's a study." She said, which knocked me out of my worries. "Wait what?" I spat out. "I have it to study potions and experiment." She says, well that explains it.

"Oh, Wool." She says running to Wool. I look back, he was playing around with the potions it seems. One had just landed on him, the glass broke and grandma covered me. A foggy smoke covered the area and my grandmother coughed. I quickly take her outside the room, "You okay?" I asks and she nods. I ran back in to see if Wool was okay, I swiped the fog with my hand to try to find Wool. I see the shattered glass, I hope Wool didn't fall in it, I bite my lip as I creped closer. He was lying on the ground with glass, blood seeped from the floor. "Oh my goodness!" I scream as tears formed. I carried Wool, the glass scraped my hand, but I didn't care and I ran to grandma. "He's hurt!" I yelled to her and her eyes grew wide. "Rei, get the bandages up the stairs and a blanket!" She yelled, I immediately ran up the stairs, I knew where the bandages were, I grabbed a small blanket and ran down. Grandma started wrapping the scars on his chest and took out some shards, after tying him in the blanket.

"There should be a nurse or doctor at the town." She said giving him to me. "You go, I am not fast enough." I nodded. "The next town was almost close." I went out the door and kept running until I had made it. There was a slow whimpering noise that made me run faster. I ran in to the place and asked for a doctor or nurse immediately. Someone came, they looked at Wool and to me. "Right this way." I forgotten Wool was a wolf, I am just thankful they are helping. We went in an empty room, I placed Wool at the bed. The nurse unwrapped Wool and looked at his wounds. "I'll get the glass taken care of, we'll get a doctor in here soon after." She said and I sigh in relief. My breathing was heavy, the tiredness had hit me. The women had this big bottle and puts a fluffy ball in it and puts it on Wool. I was biting my fingers at this point, she waited a while and pulled the glass out soon after. She then washed the blood from Wool's fur. Someone had walked in the room. "You may leave ms." They said to me and I do so. I waited in a chair outside the room, I didn't know I was crying this whole time. My eyes start to get heavy and my eyelids close.

- - -

She had woken up hours later, her eye plopped opened and she soon realized the reason why she was here again. Wool. She slowly opened the door, there was the same nurse inside. "Thank you Ms. -" Rei looked at the tag by the side of her coat, ".. Tera." Rei walked towards them and checked up on Wool. "We have to keep private over this, you hear." The nurse said, looking towards Rei. "Yes, I know." Rei whispered. Wool was sleeping right now, he must be very tired from the surgery. "Why didn't you tell them?" She asked the nurse. "He was seriously hurt darling, that's why." She replies, "It's my job to help." Rei smiled at the response, she had a all new perspective on wolves. "This is my first patching up a wolf though." The nurse jokes. "You here by yourself?" Rei takes a moment to answer. "Um.. Yes, I ran here as quickly as I could." The answer was true. "You could had gotten kidnapped." The nurse lectures. "I'll be careful next time." Rei rolls her eyes, her mother would say that all the time.

"You should call your parents Missy." The nurse said, crossing her leg. "It's night already, they are probably worried." Rei's eyes widened. "What? Night?" She looks through a window. "There's a telephone over there in the corner, go and call, but please don't yell." The nurse points in the room and Rei rushes to it. Rei was surely going to get in trouble for overstaying. She typed in the numbers of the home telephone. "Hello?" A voice picked up, it was her father. "Dad, it's me Rei. Sorry for not coming home yet." Rei said nervously. "Goodness Rei, you worried the hell out of me!" Her mother yelled into the phone. Rei quickly puts the phone away from her hear. There was just yelling in the back before her father got the phone again. "Rei, your mother was worried for hours. She has gotten the town to search for you." Rei puts her hand on her face in embarrassment. "Sorry."
"We are just glad you're safe, dear." Rei smiled.

• • • • •

End of Chapter-

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