Chapter 3

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While Kitty was busy readying Brutus for the infiltration of the masquerade, the remaining members of Elite Advancement met Silica downstairs. A silence lingered among them as an anticipating atmosphere settled into the main room. Although it had only been thirty minutes since Silica had left Kitty to do her work, it felt like each second lasted an entire year.

She stood with her back leaning against the wall closest to the front door. The knuckle of her index finger tapped against her bottom lip rhythmically as she pondered what it was going to be like going into something undercover, and if she'd be able to track down Patrick in a timely fashion. The amount of time the preparations were taking was already long enough, she didn't know if she'd be able to handle anymore stand still from then on.

A slow sigh pushed out of her nose as she looked up to the wall across from her. There was a large painting hanging in an intricately designed frame. The painting itself was simple, and portrayed a young, blonde girl sitting in a velvet chair. A ginger teddy bear sat in her lap, and a quaint black bow was tied around its neck. Silica guessed it to be Kathryn as a girl, and just as she turned away from the portrait, the door to Kitty's master bedroom finally opened.

Silica's breath collected in her lungs as she pushed off of the wall, and she steadily approached the staircase as faint footfalls could be made from above. Her squadmates congregated around her, and together they looked up at the sight of Brutus dressed in a luxury midnight blue suit. The mask Kitty had managed to find him was already secured to his face, and the shade of blue he adorned made his already piercing eyes pop.

Silica could do nothing but blink at the sight of him, and stiffly stepped to the side as he made his way down the stairs.

"Alright," Kitty's voice pulled Silica's attention away from Brutus, and as she turned, she saw a dainty, laced mask in the blonde's hand. "It's a bit last minute, but these should work. If we leave now, we can get there early enough to avoid the crowd."

"Great," Silica said, and didn't move as Kathryn placed the mask over Silica's eyes; carefully as to not smudge the makeup. "Let's head out then. We'll review the plan once we've arrived."

"Yes, Captain." Her team replied in unison and, as a group, they filed outside.

All but Brutus, Silica, and Kitty were set up on horses whilst the main trio made way into the carriage that was to take them to the banquet. Silica sat as close to the cushioned wall as she could whilst Kathryn slid into the seat beside her, and Brutus settled across from them.

Silica could feel the uneasy tension slowly building in her chest, and she tried her best to only think of Amelia. She wanted nothing but the best for her, and she was sure that eliminating the risk of Patrick would be just that; what was best.

The feeling of Kitty nudging Silica's arm as the carriage started moving prompted her to look up, and upon doing so she saw a fan resting in Kathryn's hand.

"Please don't look so down, Captain," she said gently, smiling as she gestured for Silica to take the fan. "Everything will be sorted out in due time."

Silica took the fragile accessory and held it loosely in her hand. Black lace was sewn into the top, and intricate designs decorated the body. A small velvet strap hung from the bottom, and Silica was careful as she looped it around her wrist.

The ride to the banquet hall lasted no longer than ten minutes, and once Elite Advancement — along with Kitty — arrived, the plan of attack was reiterated. Silica and Brutus would be going into the masquerade as Kathryn's guests, and from inside they would scope out for Patrick. The remainder of the squad would guard the perimeter of the building as to not leave any opening for escape, and the Military Police was on call if things were to go awry.

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