Shores of Solace

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Sandor scowled. Ro snorted. "You're asking for it if you come in the middle of the night to see Hunkyhair."

"I can assure you, I definitely did not come by choice," he squeak-growled.

Ro laughed. "It's hard to take you seriously with that voice." Sandor rolled his eyes.

Sophie glanced at his Batman T-Shirt. "I can't believe you kept that." Keefe had taken the shirt from Alvar's closet before they had run off to join the Black Swan.

"I did say I was keeping it forever. I mean, Foster, it's BATMAN!"

Sophie shook her head. "You make me regret my life choices."

"Of course. You should regret that you didn't realize that you should've dated me sooner. After all, you could've gotten the Hair." Keefe shook his head and Sophie smiled. 

"My point exactly."

"Whatever. Anyway, you have some problem that you wanted to talk to me about? Don't worry, I can fix, I'm Batman." Keefe put an arm around her shoulders. Sophie paused for a moment, remembering how Fitz had done the same under Calla's tree, before leaning on Keefe. 

"Are you sure you're up for it, Batman?" Sophie teased.

"Of course! I could be your hero any day," Keefe smirked. Sophie felt glad she came to see Keefe. His playful nature always stopped her worrying. 

Sophie exhaled. "Well, I've been worrying about your Mesmerizing."

"If Foster forces me to tell her the thing I didn't tell her because I thought it would worry her, and keep in mind that I'm the Empath, but I tell her that it's fine, she'll still worry. Wow, who could've guessed?"


"Okay, okay. What's so worrying?"

"Well, your mom could make you make anyone do anything she wants. And what if you did misuse your ability, what if you had to? How badly would you punished?" Sophie looked at her hands. "They could Exile you." She willed herself not to cry but a traitorous tear escaped.

"Sophie, it's okay," Keefe assured her. 

"No, it's not." She gave in and just started crying. 

"It'll be okay. I won't let her hurt anyone."

"Keefe, your mom is probably going to hurt someone."

"Alright," he traced a tear down Sophie's face and cupped her chin. "I won't let her make me hurt anyone. I won't hurt you. Ever." Keefe kissed her.

"I promise," he added.

Sophie sighed. "But what if she forces you like how she forced Tam?"

"Well, I'm going to admit to Forkle that I'm a Mesmer. He's going to tell the Council and then they're going to force Grady to mentor me. And if my mother comes anyone near us, I will control her."

"Really?" Sophie wasn't sure if she was scared Keefe would control someone or happy that Lady Gisela wouldn't be able to hurt them.

"No more of her games," Keefe told Sophie. "It's time we start winning. For real."

"How do you plan on doing that?" Sophie wondered out loud. 

"We, sadly, have to not be reckless. But no huge plans. If they leave us a note like they did last time, we do the opposite of what we think we should do. However, my mom will know that we're starting to catch on and expect us to use reverse psychology. So we use reverse reverse psychology."

"That . . . actually makes sense."

Keefe pretended to be insulted. "Wow Foster, I do have smart ideas."

"Whose idea was it to tag along for Loanmore?"

"Okay, sometimes." 

Sophie shook her head and closed her eyes.

"So that's what kept you up?" She nodded.

"I think I worry too much."

"You think?" Keefe shook his head. "Just relax."

"I can't, I have to be back by dawn."

"Don't worry, I'll wake you up. And I fall asleep, maybe Gigantor will wake you up. Otherwise, you're facing a lot of Grady lectures and I'm facing some even less fun ability sessions."

Sophie smiled and tried not to think. She focused on the sound of the water and Keefe's steady heartbeat. It was reassuring, telling her that she could let her guard down. She drifted off into sleep. 

At some point, someone started nudging her. Sophie opened her eyes to find the Sun just starting to rise. Keefe smiled at her, Sophie noticed he had dark circles under his eyes. She started to apologize but Keefe cut her off. 

"It's fine." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm okay." Keefe put a finger to his lips and pointed at the sunrise. As it rose farther up, rays of light hit the water causing it to glitter pink, orange, and yellow.

"That was beautiful," Sophie whispered. Keefe smiled. 

"I knew you would like it." She hugged him. "You should probably go if you don't want Grady to get really upset."

"Oh, shoot."

"Bye Foster."

"And Keefe?" Keefe looked up at her.


"Thank you."

"Anytime." Sophie light leaped home.

Mesmerizing: A Sokeefe FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum