Initiation Part 2

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Reckless-Whats up y'all it has been a while hasn't well I'm glad to be back and writing for you guys again. So let's start the story!

Third person Pov

Yang- I can't take it anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!

Back with (Y/n) as he was walking aimlessly around the forest looking for the relics he suddenly pauses and sees something that made him perk his head up in interest.

Back with (Y/n) as he was walking aimlessly around the forest looking for the relics he suddenly pauses and sees something that made him perk his head up in interest

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(Y/n)- Finally something interesting!

(Y/n) got Yang out in sword form and transformed Yin into a shield

(Y/n)-Alright let's fight

(Y/n) charged with a boosted push from his telekinesis at the komodusk alpha and tried to get close, but the komodusk breathed fire blocking him from trying to get close so he had no choice, but to serve out the way to dodge it. (Y/n) used his telekinesis to lift up a rock to throw it at the komodusk to try to distract it. The Grimm creature looked at the flying projectile in confusion while he was distracted (Y/n) utilizedized his skill of pyrokinesis to create a fire under it. While it was burning (Y/n) ran close and stabbed it with his short sword to kill it.

(Y/n)-I hope there is something stronger than this it honestly isn't even a initiation if you're putting us against something this weak.

As (Y/n) was talking to himself a figure appeared out of the shade of a nearby tree

???-What can they do anyways especially against a person with such a powerful semblance as yours.

(Y/n) was immediately on guard he didn't recognize this voice and can't seem to detect any aura on him yet he has such a powerful presence

(Y/n)-Who are you, and what do you want!

???-Woah there buddy! I'm not here to fight I'm in this initiation like you are. As for your first question just call me R for now. Plus we are partners now.

(Y/n)-Ok R you better not slow me down.

R-Don't worry about me I'll be surprised if you could keep up with me.

With the others

Ruby-D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!

Ruby turns back to the monster and shoots it in the skull, running away from it and sheathing her scythe as the Death Stalker now goes after her.


Ruby rushes towards Yang, but the Nevermore caws above them, flapping its wings and releasing lines of sharpened feathers with points that catch on Ruby's cape and prevent Yang from reaching her.

Yang-Ruby, get out of there!

Ruby-I'm trying!

The Death Stalker approaches, raising its golden stinger above a scared Ruby and heading down on the helpless girl.


A white blur races past Yang and reaches the stinger just as it's about to pierce her, cutting the scene to black.

Weiss-You are so childish!

Ruby opens her eyes to the sight of the stinger encased in ice and lowers her arms from their futile position over her head as she stares at her savior.


Weiss-And dim-witted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose I can be a bit... difficult... but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together. So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be... nicer.

Ruby-I'm not trying to show off. I want you to know I can do this.

Weiss-You're fine.

Ruby-Normal knees.............. Whoa!

Yang rushes up to Ruby and gives her a hug.

Yang-So happy you're okay!

Jaune-Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?

Weiss-Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us.

Ruby-She's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs. There's no point in fighting these things.

Jaune-Run and live - that's an idea I can get behind!

Ruby goes over and grabs a, smiling at each other. The Death Stalker continues to fight its bonds, cracking the ice a little in the process.

Ren-Time we left!

Ruby-Right. Let's go!

Back to (Y/n) and R

(Y/n) and R walked towards the temple and saw a wreckage of the previous battle

R-Well would you look at that.

(Y/n)-Yeah whatever let's just grab a piece and go.

R-Ok no need to be rude. Let's go back the cliff now.

Time skip brought by a chibi
(Y/n) trying to figure out R real name

Ozpin-Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!

The audience gives one more wave of ovation, while four students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ozpin-Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR.

Amid the clapping, Nora laughs and gives Ren a hug.

Ozpin-Led by... Jaune Arc!

Jaune-Huh? L-Led by...?

Ozpin-Congratulations, young man.

A grinning Pyrrha offers a friendly shoulder bump to Jaune, but her "fine leader" is knocked over and falls to his butt in front of the laughing audience.

Ozpin-Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!

Ozpin-And finally (Y/n) Schnee and............

Reckless-That is a wrap did you enjoy it please give me some feedback I'll greatly appreciate it and can you guys guess who R is take a guess maybe you will be right who knows it could be anything. Anyway y'all have a nice day and it has been fun writing for you so until next time bye!

The Emotionless Heart Ruby Rose x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now