Chapter 20

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Jim driving and Jack lying back in the passenger seat with his bare feet out the side window. Jim has his hand outside of the window and is surfing the wind with his hand.


I can't believe were doing this. It's, it's awesome.


​Feels good?


Yeah, like I have control again. Like Superman getting his powers back after touching kryptonite.  If you could have one superhero power what would it be?


I would fly, no more planes and no more traffic.


I would go with invisibility. You could get into everything for free and see anyone naked.

JACK shakes his head.


What about teleport? You could teleport into a vault steal a million and then teleport away.


Yeah but they would still see your face and you would get caught!


Ever hear of a mask and they would never catch me because I can always teleport away.


Invisibility would be cool.


What if a girl was masturbating and you assisted her. Do you think she would go with it or run screaming out of the room?


How could she not be freaked out?


What if she was using a dildo and you just replaced it with your dick?


I'm still going to say she would say no to the invisible rape?​


I've always wondered about those peoplewhere a tractor lands on top of them and they get superhuman strength to lift it off them.


Can you imagine a tractor lands on you and you don't get the right super power instead of super strength you get x-ray vision. You would be like, Damn, I got the wrong fucking super power! This tractor is still on me, but I can see right through it.

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