Chapter 3

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Funny thing about dreams, we all start out wanting something, then things change.  Maybe because we listen to people say you can't or your dream is dumb.  Either way we lose our way.  But for very few of us who hold onto our desires are the ones that become truly happy unlike the ones that who are just punching the clock.

Nurse enters to make bed.

MR. OLIVER (V.O.) (cont'd)

Nurse Betty here.  She always seems in a rush to get the next task.  But it never gets all done, she will go to the grave with her honey do list full.  Dreams of youth traded for the drudgery of adult life.

Mr. Oliver smiles at nurse Betty but does not get a smile in return as she hurry's along with her work.

MR. OLIVER (V.O.) (cont'd)

What was her dream?  Dreams are born in the ashes, then swept away before they see the light of day.  We know the cliches; follow your dreams, dare to dream, do something you love and you will never work another day in your life.  But we live in a world where the theme song is, "Dream another dream this dream is over."  It's no surprise that many of us live empty lives.

The nurse finishes her work and moves onto the next task.

MR. OLIVER (V.O.) (cont'd)

We forget that we are living lives that we create in our own minds for our own stimulation.  We are in control, we can achieve more.  Sometimes we have to go through hell to get there but we have to keep stepping forward.  But sometimes the pain to get through is just too tough and you have no choice but to quit.

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