I will always return to you.

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(Hello! Enjoy!)

*POV in Hinata's*
Time flew while I was getting better, the more I worked at it, the better I felt. After a month of physical therapy and training I was basically normal! Boruto grew just as fast! He was about six months now, boruto had hair, a blonde spikey mess. He looked just like Naruto. Pure shining blue eyes too. I loved my family so much! Everyday was pretty much perfect.
Naruto goes on missions, I usually stay home now. He was out on one now, he would return tomorrow, it was always exciting he always was all over me, because he missed me. I blushed at the thought. My body wasn't the same after birth, a little sag here...a little sag there...but Naruto didn't seem to mind at all. The house felt warm, like home now too, couches, rugs, and some pictures from friends. I mostly took care of boruto and the house, but when Naruto came home he sometimes would bring gifts from villages he's visited, and we'd make love every time.
*POV of Naruto*
We completed the mission! We were on our way home, I couldn't wait to see Hinata, I finally had enough money saved up to plan a wedding. I wanted to surprise her with the plan, I proposed quite awhile back and we still never actually tied the knot. I couldn't wait to see her happy shining face and my how much my son's grown since I left. I raced to the village my team mates shouting "wait Naruto!!!"  "You snooze you lose! See you at the village!" Lee was in my team, "Naruto is right!! He has spirit! I will beat you in the physical test!!" He ran after me the team slower behind us. A few hours later, Lee and I reached the village. "I won!" Lee ran straight into the wall and not the opening, "no, looks like I won!" I laughed racing into the village. I hadn't seen Hinata in almost a week and a half, I missed her so much! My blonde spikey hair flowed in the wind, my hair had gotten a bit long and annoying. So many had fallen and were gone now, Jiraiya, even died. I cried for days, he never taught everything he said he would. Sasuke was apart of the Akatsuki now, I had to become stronger. Mentally, I knew I was stronger than Sasuke, he knew nothing of real love. He knew revenge, and greed. Still, a part of me wanted Sasuke to come back still, I promised Sakura I would bring him home, but in the end Sakura betrayed me as well, her obsession with Sasuke drove her to become, almost insane. She was still locked up after trying to kill Hinata. I don't think Sakura ever actually loved Sasuke either, she liked the idea of him and became obsessed at a very young age. I used to have a crush on Sakura when we were still squad 7, after Sasuke broke his ties to us and ran off to Orochimaru, she became a ugly obsessed person. She hid it a lot, diving into medical ninjitsu. Everyone thought she gave up on her obsessive nature over Sasuke but all she did was mask it. They found in her home, practice a shrine of Sasuke. Scraps of clothing, pictures, pieces of hair, even some used bandages she once changed for him. It was honestly creepy, after falling in love with Hinata I almost forgot about her and Sasuke. Jiraiya once spoke some wise words to me, at the time I didn't listen though I was too naive. 'Sometimes people choose the wrong path, even if you try for years, you can't un-evolve there soul from being misled. Sometimes no matter how hard you beg, how badly you want to save them, they will still chose there own path even if the one they chose was only to benefit themselves.' At the time I did realize he was speaking of Orochimaru. It still saddened me that, the old perv was gone. He was a gentle kind master, sure he was pervy and clumsy but he tried his best. I hoped one day I could become strong and wise like he was. I smiled in the sunlight, thinking of my old master. He would be so proud of how far I've come. Opening the door to my beloved home, the air smelled like home. Hinata was washing some dishes, boruto played in his bouncer. He reached out his little hands to me making baby talk excitedly. I chuckled at him. "his hair sure has gotten long." Hinata turned around smiling. "You're home early! I love that you're home!" She came and gave me a big hug, soap bubbles and water getting my shirt wet. I didn't mind though, she was beautiful, messy black hair pulled into a sloppy bun. "Hey gorgeous! I missed you two!" I grinned hugging her tightly. "How was your mission?" We pulled from our hug, I placed my ninja vest and tools up on the shelf. "It was great, no casualties." "That's great!" She pulled her apron off setting it on a hook. "Sorry the place is a little messy, I didn't expect you still tomorrow." She picked up things, random shoes and borutos toys strewn about. "I don't mind honey, it's what home is. Kids make messes....hell, remember my apartment when I was younger? Looked like a pig lived in it!" I laughed sitting on our couch. "Yea, I remember." She giggled at me. "Come sit, love. Don't worry about the mess, ok?" She came sitting beside me. "What's up?" I held her hand. "Well, I have a surprise for you." She smiled wide at me. "Ohh! I love it when you bring home surprises!" I stroked her finger beneath her beautiful ring. "This upcoming summer, let's get married. We can leave boruto with Your folks and go on our honey moon...." she kissed me on the lips, I kissed her back, our lips moving lovingly like until we both pulled away for air. "So that's a yes?" I chuckled a little. "Of course! I'm so excited! I have so much planning to do!" Her eyes beamed with excitement. "It's not till summer, and we have to ask your parents to watch boruto still while we're away." Hinata practically bounced up. "I'm sure they won't mind. After all, they have started to warm up to you Naruto." It was true, they didn't hate me anymore, although I could tell her father still resented me for Hinata not doing as they wished, he wanted her to keep the family kind strong and marry a cousin or close relative. Every Sunday they would have us come over for dinner, but in a way I thought it was just to keep an eye on everything. Hinata waved her arms around excitedly. "I have to get a dress! What about a ceremony!? We have to plan the food and who's invited...!" I pulled her back onto the couch. "It's like 7 or 8 months away Hinata! I'll take care of everything, don't worry, And it's only September." She smiled up at me, those beautiful lavender eyes. They never aged or changed, absolutely immaculate.

(Hi! Hoped you enjoyed! Remember to comment and like! See ya kittens!)

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