The wanderer.

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(Welcome back kittens! This chapter should be more interesting although it is another introduction to our other main character, the one and only Naruto Uzamaki. )

*POV of Naruto.*

Rain fell down my cheeks as I ran, down the corridor. "Help" A dark silhouette spoke again and again. "Follow me down" again so intriguing. The walls were wet from the rain, there wasn't a ceiling. Thunder crashed in loud intervals. I just kept chasing the dark figure. Running and running. The figure ran around a corner in this endless corridor. "Come further" words spoke. I chased the figure but the corner lead to a dead end. Nothing, where did the person go? The dark figure? The voice, a whisper I couldn't place. It was a familiar voice I just could place, yet knew.
"DINNNNGGG !!!! BINNNNGGG!!! DIIIINNG!!" The load obnoxious noise kept going off. Bright. Loud. "DINGGG!!!" I rubbed my eyes trying to wipe the sleep away from my eyes to adjust to the light from the sun coming through my open window. Wind blew fresh air into my room with that warm sun and smell of spring. "BINGGGG!!! RINGGG!!!" I smacked that damn alarm clock to make it stop, it smashing to the floor, knocking the batteries loose. "Oooowwwhhh.... damn..." I dreamt something odd but now I could not remember now. "Ughhhh" I felt muggy sitting up from my bed. My hair was a mess as usual, spikey blonde hair. Walking into my kitchen area which was a mess from ramen noodle cups and random garbage. I ate some noodles and set out on my day. It was a beautiful spring day. After throwing on my usual get up, I set out to see where the day could take me.
The clouds were white, the wind was light and refreshing. I couldn't wait to see what I could work on today! Perfecting my jutsus and training to get knew ones were my favorite things to do besides seeing my friends and eating. I strolled to ichiraku ramen, the best ramen around. "I bowl or three of ramen should give me what I need! Then I can train my heart out till I drop tonight!!! Yea!!" I shouted like a idiot. Everyone looked over but I was used to it now. My tummy rumbled at the thought of that miso pork. "Mmmm... I should hurry up" I grinned as I started to run down the street to my favorite noodle shop. "That's it! One more corner and I'm there!" I practically leaped around the corner running straight into something... no... someone? "Oww!!" She shouted. "Oh no! I'm-m! So sorry!" I then realized the thing, the person I had run into was the one and only Hinata Hyuga.

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