Prison of hope.

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(Hellooooo! Please enjoy 🙂 I hope I can continue writing as much as I can for you all. My health doesn't really like me so we'll see.)

••••••••••••••••~Time skip~•••••••••••••••••••••

It was now nearly the end, Tsunade believes the child will be born sometime this or the next week. It was the end of January. Any day Hinata could go into labor.
*POV in Hinata's*
I felt huge and gross. I couldn't do very much at all. Tsunade has made our living room into a private medical room, wheelie bed, IVs, medical equipment. Tsunade explained to me that they are prepared for the worse, the babies chakra is abnormally huge. Naruto of course being him, became very confused and upset when she stated that there would be a sealing team made up of herself, shizune, Sakura and an mystery women from one of the top medical staff at the hospital, they will be in the room just Incase I really do hold a demon child inside me. Lately I've been having nightmares that it would come out with long toenails and yellow eyes! Other times I dream it's going to rip me in half. I am so scared, I want this baby out of me so badly, yet I'm terrified to give birth, after all anything could happen. Naruto practically stands over me constantly on edge. The moment Lady Tsunade announced that it could be soon, he won't even let me bathe alone. I just want my body back to normal. These changes to my body are not a good feeling, and if I die, I will never get to actually marry Naruto and become mrs. uzamaki. Everyone is so anxious and it's not helping me at all, I should be the only one anxious after all I am the one carrying the baby.
*POV in Tsunade's*
Walking out of a large black door, I had just had a team meeting with my trusted team that would carry out the delivery and be my sealing team as well. I could only hope now that it would be enough to prevent my worst fears. Atleast after everything is said and done, this top secret situation would be over, unless the child is really carrying the nine tailss chakra, it could even take its form. If we cannot manage to seal it, then the village could fall. Naruto and Hinata would never be the same, if it is a demon I will have to isolate Naruto from ever being with a women again, to prevent another destruction of a womb. "We must be ready."
*POV in Naruto's*
I couldn't be more anxious and nervous for Hinata. I would never want her to be in danger but there is nothing I can do. All I could do was watch Hinata like a hawk to make sure she's ok. "I can't let fear take over me." I had to keep hope. I had to just keep thinking about her and believe she will be alright! "Because wherever a person is thinking about you is the place you belong! The place you call home!"  I had to really believe she would be alright! "Yea!"
*POV in Hinata's*
"What are you babbling on about Naruto!?" He was standing there yelling some random stuff. "have you finally lost it?" He started laughing historically. I sighed. "Yep. You've lost it." Naruto walked over still laughing, trying not to. "Sorry babe!" Naruto grinned at me, wrapping his arm around me. "Alright.." I growned, my belly ached from being so huge. "Are you ok!?" Naruto recently started to freak out by anything I did. "Yea, I just had a cramp." My breasts were already developing breast milk too, they hurt so badly. My whole body felt like I had been Charlie horses in every muscle. I couldn't wait to feel normal again, although the thought of birth still chilled me to the bone. Naruto soothingly rubbed my shoulders for me. "Ohh...thank you..." it hurt but felt just as good too.
"SMASH!!! BOOMM!!" All the sudden a giant crash sound came from outside the walls, the ground trembled. Naruto gasped. "What was that!?" Fear rushed over me, what in hell was that? I hoped it was only a common predicament that wasn't a big deal...but my gut said something was more...wronger. Naruto jumped up "I'll summon Tsunade!" I reached out for Naruto "don't! What if she's needed in the village! What if we are under attack! People need her!" Naruto sighed. "I guess you're right..." he sat back down next to me on the couch. "I just wish...I could help...hey! Can't you use your byakugan to see anything!?" All are windows have been boarded up, there was no other way to see outside into the world we were locked away from. "..yes..hold on" it had been almost a year since I had used my byakugan. "Byakugan!" I could see people running and lots of smoke, the village was certainly under attack. But why now? My face shocked with grief.
Naruto impatiently waited for a response "what do you see!?" I managed to mutter out "the...village.." Naruto gripped the couch's soft fabric hard in his fists. "What about the village!?" Screams and louder sounds came from outside. "CRASSSHH!! Ahhh!!! NOO!! KABOOM! HELPP!" fire and smoke engulfed parts of buildings near by that I could see. "We're...under attack..I think...people are dieing..there's a lot of smoke and f-fire.." I trembled at what I could see before my jutsu failed. I didn't have enough strength to hold it for long while my whole body was being used by my baby. Naruto pulled me close, he was sweating a lot. "...did you see anyone? Who's doing it?" I shook my head. "I mostly saw...people running in fear and...covered in blood..." tears fell from my eyes, I nestled my face into Naruto's chest, his shirt soaking up my tears. "...I don't know what to do..." Naruto muttered. "..I should be out there.." I looked up at him shaking my head. "...We have to believe the village is strong enough to beat whatever is going on.." Naruto gasped and smiled half way. "Yea...what am I thinking? I bet everyone's kicking the crap out of the enemy." We hugged tightly as the loud noises and screams continued. We could only wait and see, all we had was each other and hope.

(Hello! Remember to like and comment!! See ya kittens!)

Naruto x Hinata  lemon romantic fanfic! Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat