3. Dead But Not Gone

Start from the beginning

"Well, until a bit ago, they weren't. That has to do with why we are here. But never-mind that. I'll explain that in a moment. Where are your siblings and parents, I should tell you all this at once," Dr. Pym said.

Kate frowned, "Michael and Emma are waiting for me upstairs. Our mom and dad aren't here. They went out to run errands this morning and never came back."

Dr. Pym's eyes went wide, "oh no! Do you know what happened to them or if they're ok?"

Kate shook her head, "no, and I'm really getting worried."

"Oh dear, this is a problem. While there's still a lot of unknowns in what's going on in the magical world, if I were a betting man, I'd bet a lot that it has something to do with why your parents have disappeared," Dr. Pym frowned, then became quiet, lost in thought.

"Stanislaus," Gabriel said, "we should probably explain to the children what we know."

"Right," Dr. Pym agreed, "oh but, one thing. Was I seeing things or when I appeared in the living room to see if we were at the right place, was there a young man on the couch? And how much does he know about all of this?"

"That's my neighbor Robert. He lives next door with his uncle, who's away for the night. Robert didn't want to be left home alone so I offered him the couch," Kate explained, "and he knows nothing about magic or the adventures my family and I have been on."

"Well that's a problem," Gabriel muttered, "I think Stanislaus startled him earlier."

"He did, but I convinced Robert what he saw was just a trick of the light. Now I'm just gonna check to make sure he believes that," Kate replied.

She quickly and quietly left the kitchen, taking the glass of water she had promised her neighbor with her. However, it turned out she did not have to worry. Robert had fallen back asleep on the couch. Kate set the glass of water down on the coffee table and crept back to her ghostly friends.

"Alright, he's gone back to sleep. We're all good," Kate announced.

"Ah, that's a positive,"'Dr. Pym said, "now, I suppose I should  begin to explain. But where to start, that's the question."

"Shouldn't we explain to Michael and Emma too? Tell all three of them at the same time?" Gabriel questioned.

"Right you are," Dr. Pym agreed, "we will..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence because just then there was a small squeak of surprise from the doorway. In the past few minutes Michael and Emma has crept downstairs, worried about Kate and curious about what was taking her so long. Now Michael was hiding behind Emma, a stunned look on  his face, and Emma's mouth was opened wide in shock. She held a tabletop lamp loosely in her hand, clearly planning to use it as a makeshift weapon if necessary.

"Ghost," Michael whispered.

"What are you two doing down here?" Kate questioned, "I thought I told you to stay upstairs until I gave you the all clear."

"We got worried. Besides, when do we ever listen?" Emma replied, but she was looking past Kate at Gabriel. She had missed her friend and mentor so much over the past months and seeing him was almost overwhelming.

"How are you two here?" Michael asked, "I thought ghosts were just an urban legend based off magical projection spells because until recently the dead didn't retain their memories. Plus, they could not leave the land of the dead unless they came to a fold."

"Right you are my boy, but it seems the rules have changed," Dr. Pym said.

"Well that's great!" Emma exclaimed, putting the lamp down and moving further into the room, "now we get to see you! I mean you kinda startled everyone but that's ok since you're here now."

Gabriel smiled faintly, "it's good to see you Emma."

"You too. I've missed you a bit. Well, a lot," Emma admitted, "can I give you a hug of does that not work with the whole ghost thing."

"I don't think it works," Gabriel answered.

"And we have more pressing issues at the moment," Dr. Pym interrupted, "while this new development in the laws of life and death does have benefits, it also has grave side effects. You all are in terrible danger."

Fear washed over Michael's face and Kate reached out to put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Emma just crossed her arms and grumbled, "what else is new."

"I suppose... well, to be honest I don't actually understand a lot of this. Gabriel and I were recruited to help you and haven't gotten the full explanation," Dr. Pym said.

"Who recruited you? Can they explain?" Michael asked.

"They better," Gabriel muttered with a hint of aggression. Michael looked at him in confusion. Kate just continued to stand there, processing all of this.

Finally, she spoke, "I agree. We need to meet this person and hear the full explanation." Kate needed to know what she was dealing with to find the best way to protect her siblings and her parents as well.

"Ah, yes, well..." Dr. Pym began.

Then Kate felt a presence behind her, another ghost appearing a few feet away. Dr. Pym gave them all a weak smile, "here he is."

In unison, the three Wibberly siblings turned around and Kate let out a gasp at the sight of this new ghost.

Rafe's green eyes met hers and he gave her the smallest of smiles, "hello Kate."

A/N: And so the conflict begins with three ghosts. I'm really excited to play with the laws of life and death a bit, and also because these reunions between the Wibberlys and their dead friends are going to be great to write. I missed Gabriel and his being a mentor to Emma. And of course, the more Kate and Rafe, the better.

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