Ch 9. The Movie Set

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They were almost done eating lunch when the doorbell rang. Cheng Qing got up to get the door and was surprised when Hsiao Ming walked in. His manager handed him an envelope as he accepted the invitation to come in.

"Would you like to have something to eat?" Feng He offered.

"Actually no. I was hoping to steal Cheng Qing away for a couple of hours."

"What for?" Cheng Qing asked.

"I want you to meet with the producer and the writer. They are eager to meet you and I thought..."

"But I haven't decided anything yet. Isn't it premature?"

"I think this will help with the decision." Hsiao Ming said quickly.

"I guess we could go for an hour or two." Cheng Qing said considering the invitation. Then he looked at Feng He. "Are you coming?"

"Sure...I wouldn't mind."

The two finished their food quickly and left the dishes in the sink for later. Hsiao Ming preceded them out of the door while the boyfriends followed a little slower. Feng He was locking the door when Cheng Qing pressed against him, intent on stealing a kiss but Feng He pushed him away. "Don't...he can see."

Cheng Qing looked over at Hsiao Ming but his manager's attention was entirely taken up by the display above the elevator bank. His mouth was really close to Feng He's ear when he whispered, "I don't think he cares."

Feng He was trying his best to be discrete but Cheng Qing seemed determined to show off. "Why are you doing this? You're not like this in school."

"We are not allowed to be like that in school. Right now I can do whatever I want."


They walked into the elevator and Cheng Qing started teasing Feng he. He couldn't make a scene because Hsiao Ming was right there so even though he tried to keep Cheng Qing from touching him, caressing him, kissing him...he could only get so far in the enclosed space.

It was easier when they got to the car and Feng He sat at the back while Hsiao Ming drove and Cheng Qing sat shot gun. But Cheng Qing kept looking back to talk to Feng He. The action earning a look from Hsiao Ming that reeked of his full awareness that there was something going on between them.

At the set Cheng Qing followed Hsiao Ming to a meeting room while Feng He remained in the main studio area. It was empty right now and there were only a few people milling around so Feng He just walked around aimlessly. Looking at the various rigs and dollies, the lights and other equipment that went into making movies.

Hsiao Ming walked into the meeting room where an older man was sitting at the far end of a long table. "I'd like you to meet Tsai Mi-chieh*, the producer of the show." The older man came over and greeted them cordially accepting Cheng Qing's respectful bow before ushering him to sit. "Yang Yi-hua* will join us shortly."

[Author's note: if you've read the disclaimer you'll already know these are the original producer/director and writer of HIStory 1: Stay Away From Me respectively.]

Discussing the idea for the show was easy. It was something they were eager to work on and they were particularly happy that Cheng Qing was considering it. "But you know it will require a lot from you."

"I understand." Cheng Qing said to both Mi Chieh and Yi Hua. Hsiao Ming nodded his head in agreement, silently assuring them that he would be there to keep Cheng Qing in line.

"Then I think it's only a matter of formalizing the contract and getting to work." Mi Chieh said drawing smiles from everyone in the room.

Cheng Qing walked out of the meeting feeling like he hadn't ever before. Not only was this the easiest audition he'd ever been on before, it felt great to be the first choice for something. He was looking forward to working with people who were good at their job and had passion for the project. It infused him with excitement just to imagine what it might be; cementing the idea that this was an opportunity he could not turn down in all fairness.

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