Ch 7. The Intimate Breakfast

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Or, nothing has really changed except everything is different now know....

He felt warm. It wasn't just because there was someone beside him generating enough heat to keep them both toasty under the blankets. It was deeper than that. It was like home; like love. Cheng Qing didn't think the mere act of consummating their relationship would have such a profound effect on him. He was beginning to realize there was no end in sight for what Feng he could inspire in him.

But it wasn't just a feeling. There was a deeper desire. To see Feng He happy. To see him enjoy their life together. To repeat everything they had done the night before – over and over again. Only it wasn't just about getting off and getting on with his day. It was about giving – no, sharing a pleasure so deep with someone he loved that it felt like his entire being was coming alive for the first time – every single time.

Morning wood, a natural and sometimes inconvenient occurrence, had never been more exciting in the face of the man who now shared his bed and his life.

Cheng Qing didn't mean to rub himself against Feng He's ass. It just happened before he was fully conscious of his actions. His imagination easily provided the basis of a desire he was desperate to fulfil. To remind himself of what he had experienced but which the night had rendered a little distant in his memory. He was afraid it had all been a dream and he would open his eyes to an angry Feng He telling him to get off him.

He opened his eyes to the soft light of the sun filtered by their drapes. Feng He was lying stiffly and his breath was rather harsh for someone who had just woken up. Worried that there was something wrong Cheng Qing reached for him only to hear him utter a struggled moan.

"Are you okay?" He whispered against Feng He's ear and the shudder that passed through the other man had Cheng Qing's eyes widening in surprise.

"Is there something you want?" Cheng Qing whispered. Deliberately blowing into the shell of his ear and feeling the other man shiver again only this time it was accompanied by a pained moan.

Thinking to get Feng He going, Cheng Qing reached around to fondle his cock only to find it already hard. He turned Feng He over to see him eyes shut tight, a sheen of sweat on his brow and an embarrassed blush colouring his cheeks.

"A-He...tell me."

"No..." The refusal came out an octave higher than his normal voice sending Cheng Qing into delighted peals of laughter.

"No?" But even as Feng He denied it, Cheng Qing had taken his cock in hand and was stroking it gently.

With studious care he pushed Feng He on his back and moved between his legs. Cheng Qing lined up their bodies. His hands on Feng He's hips to keep him still as he begun to thrust. Smiling evilly as he stared at Feng He who was still trying to keep his eyes tightly closed.

Then he drove against him – again. His cock pushing against Feng He's pelvis – again. Feng He's cock rubbed against his stomach – again. He adjusted so their cocks were pressed against each other. Held them together. Stroked them gently. Moved painfully slow.

It felt so good. He knew Feng He was feeling the same way because his tightly closed eyes opened to look straight at him. Hooded and hungry. His hands that had been fisted against his side were now around Cheng Qing's neck, holding on tight. His hips which had been stiff were now keeping up with Cheng Qing's thrusts so that they moved – together. Dancing to their own sweet, sweet music.

"Cheng Qing...aaahhh...don't...stop..."

"Whatever you want..." He promised fervently.

They moved faster and faster. Spurring each other on. The friction between them igniting a fire. The tinder of their mutual affection lighting up. Heating them from the inside out. Shattering the boundary that existed between them until they were unified in this one act of pleasure and the destruction of the self-made distance that held them apart.

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