Ch 3. The Kitchen

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Or, Cheng Qing needs Feng He to speak up or we can use his mouth for something else.

Cheng Qing had been working full out. The production company had been kind enough to let him complete his exams in peace but his school break was fully occupied by post-production requirements. He had to be on set every day often before the sun came up and long after it had set.

He hated it.

So many days had passed with him leaving the house before Feng He was awake and returning after he was already asleep. It was a good thing that he at least got to sleep with Feng He otherwise they would never see each other. But Cheng Qing knew it was not the way he wanted to spend his school holidays. He wanted to do stuff...with Feng He.

To get to know him better. To break through that hard exterior shell for good and live in the soft and sweet and wonderful heart that Feng He possessed.

No matter how much he wanted to rage against the schedule he was on, Cheng Qing understood that if he was willing to sacrifice this time, he would have all the freedom to do what he wanted later on. The promotions for the show would be a necessary part of his responsibilities but that would happen after the first few episodes of the series he was in had aired.

So he endured.

The start of the new term was in line with the end of his last project. Then he could concentrate on his relationship with Feng He. Living together, going to school together...he would have all the time he needed to break down Feng He's walls.

"I know we are done here...." Cheng Qing said to his manager as the post-production crew enjoyed their last-day party with drinks and food. "...but I was wondering if you'd heard anything from the overseas company."

"I don't think the timeline will work with everything else you have going." Hsiao Ming said lost in thought. "You just need to concentrate on your school work for now. There will be other projects but this is the last time you get to be an ordinary student."

Cheng Qing knew all this. What he didn't tell his manager was that he wanted to make sure the offer wasn't going to crawl out of the woodwork and bite him in the ass.  He needed to stay here. He still needed to finish the final exams so he could graduate. One more term to go and that would be the end of his formal education. If he had Feng He to study with, he might even pass. Yet, there were other considerations.

If he got the job it meant he might have to leave the country. That would mean leaving Feng He. That was out of the question. But what if the job really came through? Would he be able to turn it down?

Cheng Qing was still worrying about the possibility when he got home. Feng He playing his guitar. The look of concentration on his face as he plucked at the cords sending blood south as Cheng Qing imagined himself under that careful manipulation. He wanted to replace the instrument with his body but he satisfied himself with leaning against the wall and listening. Loving the sound of Feng He's voice and the way it had the power to soothe his worries away.

The familiar song was nearly at an end when he noticed something bubbling in pot on the stove. "Were you waiting for me?" He finally asked just as Feng He played the last chord and put the guitar to the side of the couch.

"Yes. I'm glad your home."

Cheng Qing felt like someone had constricted his heart. How could Feng He say something so profound and making it seem so casual; so simple. It was so like him to say something he thought was obvious and completely overwhelm Cheng Qing with it.

"What's for dinner?"

Cheng Qing didn't really care. It was the idea that they could sit and share a meal together that satisfied the cravings of his soul. His stomach would take whatever it could get. Then again Feng He was a great cook and he doubted there was anything he could make that would give pause to Cheng Qing's palate.

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