Ch 9. The Movie Set

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Or, Feng He doesn't think it's a good idea to let people know just what is up with them yet

Cheng Qing got a call from his manager while he was helping Feng He cook lunch. Helping, by his definition, involved watching Feng He cook and giving unwelcome suggestions about what he should be doing differently just to see if the other man would get angry with him.

Feng He was eternally patient and just ignored him or laughed at his more outrageous options. For that Cheng Qing rewarded him with kisses that made him blush and try to get away. Except he couldn't leave their meal unattended and found himself once more in Cheng Qing's arms listening and laughing and loving him.

They were interrupted by the shrill ringing of Cheng Qing's phone.

"Hello." He answered distractedly as he tried to handle his phone and keep Feng He in his grasp.

"There's a role I think you might be interested in." Hsiao Ming said without preamble.

Cheng Qing swiped a carrot from the cutting board and earned a slap to his wrist from Feng He. He was laughing at Feng He's put out look even as he continued with his conversation. "What is it about?"

"It's a period drama, and they want you to play a love interest to the main character."

"That sounds interesting." But Cheng Qing was worried about one thing. "What's the production time line?"

"They want to start filming in the next three months or so. It's the only reason I thought of you. It will be after you finish with your final exams."

"So why are they starting so early."

"Pre-production starts now. If you are part of the cast they have to do costumes, composites for the CGI team, not to mention you have to learn your lines, learn the choreography, meet all the other actors – whom they haven't finalized yet. I know how this goes already."

"I do. I just need to know how much time it will take. I don't want to promise then find I can't deliver because I have other commitments."

Hsiao Ming let out a bark of laugh. "That's a very mature attitude. I guess being with Feng He has been good for you."

"Yeah he has." He didn't realize how dreamy his voice was until Feng He slapped him over the head. He cleared his throat and repeated. "It's been really nice here."

"What is going on with you?"

"Nothing...just enjoying the feeling of being an ordinary student."

"Sure...whatever you say." Said his manager with a scoff. "I'll send you the details and you can decide what you want to do."


He hang up and immediately returned to Feng He hoping to swipe another carrot but he was too late. Everything had already gone into the pot and Feng He was stirring slowly to mix it. Cheng Qing didn't think Feng He had been paying attention to his conversation but the other man finally put a lid on the pot and turned to him, "Was that an offer for something."

"Yeah...there's an offer for a film."

"Sounds good."

"Yeah. But you know what my priorities are right now." When Feng He just stared at him he added, "You and school."

"I'm a priority?'

"My number one priority." Cheng Qing said laying a kiss on him.

It was still fun to watch Feng He blush, something he did with amazing frequency consideration all they were to each other and everything they had done together.

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