Ch 10. The Gummy Bear Heaven

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Or, should watching a television show be considered foreplay?

"It's finally out." Cheng Qing said excitedly when he got home. He was waving a disc case excitedly as he removed his shoes and tossed his bag without a care. He went straight to the player and inserted the disc. "Come sit down."

"What are you talking about?" Feng He asked feigning ignorance.

It was easy to make fun of Cheng Qing because the other man had been worrying about this very thing for the past few days. The movie was being released at the theatres and the previews showed a lot of positive interest. But he'd been so worried that everyone would watch it and hate it. He'd been so worried that he'd refused Feng He to join him at the premier. It was a testament to how scared he was if he wasn't even willing to endure the thought of the other man there for the first viewing.

But after the critical reviews came out and the movie had been praised on all aspects including his performance his worry had lifted and been replaced by this insane level of excitement. That's why he'd asked for a copy of the film so he could finally watch it with Feng He in the privacy of their home.

"Do not play with me." Cheng Qing growled as he pulled Feng He to the couch and sat next to him before pressing play.

"Why don't we make it a real experience? I can make some popcorn and get some snacks." Feng He said finally taking Cheng Qing's obsessive behaviour seriously.

The other man seemed to like the idea because he stood up to help get things ready. Feng He popped a bag of popcorn in the microwave while Cheng Qing poured them something to drink, then added crisps and gummy bears to bowls. Everything was arranged on the table so they could easily reach it.

"Are you ready?" Cheng Qing asked. He was satisfied with the enthusiastic nod from Feng He.

At first Feng He couldn't keep up with the action because he was too engrossed in Cheng Qing. The way he acted was different from the way he was in real life. It was like seeing someone completely different yet perfectly familiar. It was the face Feng He loved, the voice he liked to hear, the words that poured with such ease from Cheng Qing's mouth but it wasn't him at all.

Then Feng He started recognizing some of the lines he'd run with Cheng Qing and he knew what was coming. Watching Cheng Qing and his co-star was like watching a train wreck. He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't turn away. Feng He hated that he was jealous of the two of them. It didn't matter that he knew they were acting. He just hated the thought that someone else got to kiss Cheng Qing. That someone else had their hands on him.

"So how do you like it so far?" Cheng Qing asked out of the blue.

"I hate it." Feng He thought the words were just echoing in his head until he turned to Cheng Qing and realized he'd spoken out loud.


'She gets to kiss you. Every one you act with gets to have you but...I hate it."

"Are you jealous of me?" Cheng Qing asked in surprise.

"No...of course not. I would never been jealous of a movie star." Feng He denied even though deep inside he knew that was exactly right.

Cheng Qing seemed to know it too because he hugged him tight. "Why would you be jealous of your boyfriend?"

"Why would you say that? What difference would it be if you were my boyfriend? You still have to do your job. How would you like it if the one person you love with all your heart kissing other people and enjoying it?"

Cheng Qing felt like his heart would burst. Did Feng He realize what he was saying to him right now? Yet the only thing that really mattered was what he wasn't saying. "But you are still jealous."

Stay With MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora