Mitchel and You

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I slowly strolled around the supermarket down the road from where I had just moved in. My mum, had sent me down to get some daily needs as she began the stressful task of unpacking our things.

It was just the two of us, Mum and I. We had moved from our other house to this smaller and cosier apartment, as my dad had just passed on. He was my inspiration. He had died while volunteering to help nurse the injured soldiers in Afghanistan. He had always put others before himself and I wanted to be just like him, even more so now.

Back to my shopping, I slowly gathered all of the daily needs Mum had wanted me to get. Milk, eggs, cereal, soap and some tissues, just enough for one or two days. Even though, I wasn't really looking forward to unpacking my chaos of a wardrobe, I knew Mum would be lonely, so I quickly made my way to the checkout.

After I paid and refused plastic bags, I put the groceries into my satchel and started the short walk back to my new apartment. As I walked, I began to softly sing the song I had been meaning to write. It was for my dad, soon I would be singing the completed and hopefully, good version to him. As I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings, the tap on my shoulder gave me a slight fright.

I hesitantly turned around to see a boy, around my age, who seemed really familiar. His dark hair was swept up to one side. His greeny grey yet dark eyes sparkled and a smile spread across his light face, his dimples showing. His slim legs were shown off in his rolled up jeans and he was wearing a three quater length shirt. He was breathtakingly, well basically, HOT.

As calmly as I could, I smiled and said, "Hey, I'm Y/N."

"I'm Mitchel. I just wanted to tell you that you dropped $2. Here," he replied, his voice melodic and smooth.

"Oh, thanks."

Of course, he was just being polite and returning my money. It's not like he thought I was hot or anything, sheesh.

"Are you new around here? I thought I knew most people on this street," asked Mitchel, as he pulled out the coin from his jean pocket and handed it to me.

"Yeah, I just moved to the block of apartments."

"Awesome, I live there too! Lets walk together," he grinned. "So, let's get to know each other, shall we?" he said in a posh voice, extending his arm for me to slide mine through.

I laughed, "We shall, kind sir! So how old are you?"

"15, 16 in December, you?"

"I'm 15 too! Uh, but I'm not 16 til next year though..." I smiled, "Siblings? Relationship?"

"I have two older brothers, Clinton and Taylor. And no, I'm a single pringle, ready to mingle! Again, you?" he smiled, making me feel warm inside.

"You are actually hilarious, you know that? I also have two brothers, except they are younger. And hifive! You and me can be lonely Pringles together!"

As we walked towards the block of apartments, we got to know each other really well. He was kind, funny and very sweet. Mitch, as he told me to call him, was in a band, called What About Tonight. That was when I realised when I had seen him before, I was a fan of his brother's YouTubechannel.

Before we headed into our own apartments, we exchanged numbers and he promised to show me around the next day.

Walking into the yet to be made home apartment, I slowly put the shopping away, the whole time thinking about the new friend, possibly more, I had just made. Maybe moving here won't be so bad, after all. That was when it actually hit me.

Mitchel Cave, brother to one of my idols, was my friend and he lived in my building!









Hey guys! This is my first lot of fanfic one shots! I decided to do them on WAT cause there are not many on them!

I know this one isn't very good but hopefully they will get better! Comment and let me know



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