Thurday at eight o'clock

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Harry and Caleb stood staring in boredom at the large table that Lockhart stood upon.
"God does he EVER stop talking?" Harry said loudly.
"I don't think I've seen a mouth that big since Petunia's trout adventure of 86'" Caleb agreed.
Both boys shuddered at the memory and watched as the blonde git started pulling students onto the stage.
"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley," he called.
Harry groaned and walked onto the stage. Ron also shambled onto the other side looking incredibly nervous.
"Alright, draw your wands," Lockhart said, stepping back "and remember a nice clean game,"
Ron swallowed hard and drew his wand.
"Right, Harry," he said "Remember I'm your friend, right?"
Harry frowned and drew his wand as well.
"Not right now you aren't,"
Ron's eyes widened and Harry's flashed black in response. Caleb grinned viciously from the audience.
"Alright," Lockhart said "on a count of three. One. Two. Th-"
"Expel-" Ron was barely through the word before Harry cut him off.
"WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" Harry shouted.
Ron's feet lifted off the floor and he tilted dangerously in the air.
"Hey! Let me down!" Ron cried, going red from embarrassment.
Harry sneered in response and twisted his wand making Ron turn upside down. Ron's shirt fell over his face, his wand clattering to the floor.
"Put me down, Harry!" Ron cried as he hung helplessly in the air.
Students around them stared giggling at Ron's whining and then outright laughing. Harry's spine tingled and he smiled with the power it gave him.
"Alright," Lockhart said heading towards the stage "I think that's eno-"
"MAKE HIM GO HIGHER, HARRY!" Caleb shouted from nearby.
Harry chuckled and lifted his wand. Ron lifted in the air and cried out in horror as he lifted another twenty feet.
"I think that's enough," Lockhart said, nervously looking at Ron who's shoes were now hitting the candles surrounding him.
Harry smiled darkly as Ron lifted past the flames almost at the ceiling thirty feet above them.
The laughter around the room had gone silent and now several girls were staring in horror as Ron hit the ceiling.
"Enough, Harry!" Hermione shouted from the crowd.
"Harry, put him down!" Hannah shouted as well.
Within seconds the entire hall, except Draco and Caleb were begging Harry to bring Ron down to the ground. Ron was crying, floating above their heads, his head pointing towards the floor.
"DROP HIM, HARRY!" Caleb called with sick glee from nearby,
Draco stared at Caleb in surprise. Harry smiled. Suddenly the spell canceled out and Ron was falling to the ground. He slammed through burning candles. He let out a scream of terror and everyone around him gasped.
"Arresto Momentum!" Harry called, his expression vacant of emotion.
Ron stopped a second before he hit the ground, floating in mid air before slamming onto his stomach.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Hannah shouted, running to hug Ron.
Hermione also ran to Ron's side shaking her head in disgust at Harry.
"He's fine!" Caleb shouted from the crowd earning himself more disgusted glares.
Even Draco was looking like he was about to throw up. Caleb shrugged and walked up to the stage.
"Look the task was to use spells we were taught in class in order to disarm the opponent right?" He said, throwing an arm around Harry's neck. "Far as I saw, Harry did that,"
"The task didn't say anything about tormenting your opponent and almost killing them!" Hermione shouted, holding Ron close.
"He was fine!" Harry shouted back.
"You call that fine?!" Hannah yelled, pointing at the shaking redhead "He's petrified!"
"He'll get over it," Caleb said, rolling his eyes.
"Mr. Potter, Mr. Scamander, you just earned yourselves a lifetime ban from Dueling Club," Lockhart finally spoke up in a harsh tone.
"Whatever," Harry said with a sneer.
"Yeah," Caleb joined in, jumping off the "stage" "we didn't want to be in this stupid club anyway"
"We're gone," Harry said, shoving his way past students.
"Harry wait," Lockhart shouted "Scamander! You two get back here!" 
The blonde Professor grabbed onto Harry's shoulder. Harry spun around, his eyes pure black and glared at the blonde.
"Don't fucking touch me," Harry hissed, the room darkening.
Lockhart jumped back in shock. Snape, who had been strangely pale throughout the entire event, suddenly gained his color back as if being shocked back into life, stepped forward.
"Scamander, Potter," Snape said in a quite voice "detention. My office. Nine am,"
"You got it boss," Caleb said, pulling Harry toward the door.
"Wouldn't miss it," Harry agreed, glaring into Lockhart's eyes with hatred.
The whole room watched horrified as the two left the room.

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