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The thick heaviness of the little black book in Harry's pocket was dragging him down. His heart was too fast, his breathing too shallow. It felt like he'd drank boiling water and was drowning in it. His ears refused to pop, and his fingertips vibrated with feeling as he slowly walked towards his house. A breath of fuzz around his neck made him shiver in disgust. His breathing hardened like throngs of ice. His ribs felt as though a knife had pierced his heart through them and he grabbed at his stomach. A sharp cry left him as the buzzing of cells on his skin grew heavier. He tried to slick his hands across his skin to rid himself of the feeling. Like television static across the hairs of his body. His hands shook intensely. Harry slammed his hands across his skin. His breathing nearly cut off as he panicked. Suddenly feeling too constricted Harry grabbed at his neck-tie and ripped it off. His robe fell on the floor with a silent thump. 

"Harry?" Draco's familiar voice sounded from behind him. 

Harry turned around and Draco drew in a breath. The familiar green eyes were pooling deep tears in a raw sense of emotion. Harry reached out a hand keeping Draco away. 

"I can't- I-I" He bent over gasping harshly in the hallway. 


Harry fell on the floor and held his hair in his fingers. 

"I can't-" 

"Harry?" Hermione asked, turning the corner "Malfoy?" 

Draco looked extremely pale, watching Harry breakdown in the hallway. He stood frozen in the hall. Hermione shuffled quickly to Harry's side. 

"What's wrong with him?" She asked, her hands shaking as Harry curled away from her. 

"I don't-" Draco gasped softly and swallowed, tears filling his eyes as he watched helplessly. 

"Draco," Hermione demanded his attention, "Go get a professor," 

Draco stared numbly at Harry as the boy curled against the wall and pulled at his raven hair. Hermione snapped her fingers at him, kneeling besides Harry. 

"He's having a panic attack," Hermione said harshly, "You need to get Madame Pomphrey" 

Draco nodded and turned to run. Hermione shuffled in front of Harry. 

"It's okay, Harry," she whispered softly "just breathe" 

"I can't" 

"You can," she said, holding his hands "It's okay, it's okay." 

Harry wheezed heavily, his body slumped over and heaving. He tried focusing on drawing breath but his lungs felt completely empty and burned harshly with every pant. He was drowning inside himself. His body vibrating in pain. Hermione rubbed her thumb over the back of his hand, attracting Harry's attention. His eyes were squeezed shut as he tried to focus on the feeling. Her voice grounded him as she whispered softly.

"It's okay," shuffling of feet rushing towards them "It's okay," 

A cold plastic covered his cheeks, a sickly sweet and cold air covered Harry's mouth. He gulped pure air into him like he was starving. His hands shook as he reached to clasp the mask to his face. Hot tears wrapped around the plastic. He vaguely registered himself being picked up into the air. His blurry eyes registered Hermione fading in the distance. He was exhausted and the sick medicine in the air was slowly stealing the last of his awareness. The world suddenly turned black. 

Hermione watched as Harry was carried off in midair by Madame Pomphrey. Draco followed closely at her heels. Hermione's hands shook with emotion but she quickly flicked it off and turned to pick up Harry's discarded robes and tie. A small black book fell out of the pocket and Hermione instinctively opened it. The pages were blank, except a small gold font. 

'Tom Marvolo Riddle'

Soft footsteps echoed in the hall and she turned to see Ron and Ginny walking towards her. 

"Hey," Ron said with a smile. "What you got there?" 

"Someone must've forgotten them," Hermione heard herself say and was unsure of why she was hiding the truth from her friends. 

"Well it is a Hufflepuff," Ginny laughed. 

Hermione gave a soft smile, shoving the black book deep in her pocket. Ron grabbed the robes from her with a soft smile. 

"I'll deal with it for you," He said softly. 

Hermione blushed and followed her friends from the hall. 

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