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Summer has been amazing so far. I have worked at a family friends farm all summer somewhere near Spain. It's been hotter than ever and I've been worked from sun up to sun down. I absolutely love the animals.
Speaking of animals sadly my owl Hedwig passed away over summer as well.
I hope you are doing well.
Send my greetings to the twins!
Harry Potter.

Dear Hermione,
I know you said to write every week but there is a good reason as to why I haven't. I have been working on a family friends farm all summer and most nights I am too exhausted to remember to write. I apologize for the wait.
Unfortunately there has been a passing in our family this summer and our dear owl Hedwig has passed away.
I hope you are doing well,
Harry Potter.

Dear Hannah,
I've missed you most of all. You are my best friend and I wish that I could have seen you more over summer. I look forward to seeing you when school starts again.
My summer has been pretty boring this year. Mostly farm work. I have been staying at a family friends' farm over summer helping out.
You may notice that this owl is different from my previous owl Hedwig. Unfortunately Hedwig passed away over summer.
I've been permitted to use the house owl until I return to school.
I hope I return soon. I do miss you so much.
All my love,
Harry Potter.

Dear Neville,
I am doing well. My summer has been extremely exhausting as Ive taken up residency in a family friend's farm. I work with animals and plants from sun up til sun down. I hope you can visit one day I am sure you'd love to see it.
I miss everyone more and more each day.
Until I return,
Your friend,
Harry Potter.


Harry stared at the paper.

I am well.

Harry paused, staring at the ink running along the quill tip.

Summer was well.

Harry blinked owlishly.

Been on a farm.

Harry scratched his ear.

My owl died.

Harry paused again.

Talk soon,

Harry stared at the pitiful note in his hand for a long time before handing the letters to Lawrence.
"Make sure these are posted, please," Harry said with a sigh.
Lawrence paused and comfortingly patted the young masters back in a show of support.
"Of course, Master Harry," he said softly.
"Thank you,"

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