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When Harry stepped inside the hall of Gringott's the goblin bank tellers around the room immediately went silent. Harry steeled the deathly silence and made his way directly to the hallway that led to Griphook's office without waiting for a teller.

All around him, witches and wizards turned in shock to watch the lanky child walk past several armed guards and be permitted access to the heart of Gringott's without so much as a 'name, please' directed towards him. They waited for the goblin's to react but other then some hesitating glances at each other the usually brutal and unforgiving creatures who would smile as they made thieves walk with hot iron shoes on, turned back to their work and did not mention the child to anyone else. They all suddenly wondered who this child was and how the seemingly harmless child was that had earned the Goblin folk's respect, trust or at least fear.

An hour later the same, reddish blonde boy re entered the main hall. His nose was dusted with sun kisses and his honey eyes looked around the room coldly. No one noticed how the back pack the boy had entered with was now missing, nor how he walked stiffly out of the building as if trying to ignore something screaming at him to return for the bag.


Harry walked into the dusty old bookshop with a sigh. The doors were flooded with old women and young girls, all shoving roughly against one another in attempts to get inside.

"Get off!" Harry yelled, shoving several girls roughly as he tried to fight his way into the crowd.

"Caleb!" Harry heard from a balcony above him, "come up here!"

Harry had to roughly shove several girls out of the way. He ducked and squeezed and twisted his way through the crowd of people. At one point he even went as far as to stomp harshly on a large red head woman's foot. She let out a cry of surprise and watched him scramble up the stairs, a small house elf wrapped tightly in the boy's long arms.

"Why I never!" He heard her exclaim as he ducked through piles of books to the edge of the balcony.

He coughed and panted harshly as he made his way over to a familiar blonde who stood by watching the crowd bellow.

"I'm surprised at you," Draco said turning around to mock scold Caleb "stomping on Weasley's foot like that."

"Fat woman shouldn't be trying to squish me," Harry defended placing his house elf onto it's feet.

Draco looked at Harry and let out a small smile. Harry smiled back and walked over to peer over the railing.

"So why has everyone gone crazy suddenly?" he asked.

Draco came to his side, their arms brushing lightly and leaned on the railing as well.

"Lockhart," he said with a sneer "pompous git if you ask me,"

"the defense teacher?" Har-Caleb asked surprised.

"If you can call him that," Draco said, spitting over the edge and laughing as a red headed girl with pigtails cried out in disgust when it landed in her hair "Personally I don't think he could defend himself against a muggle,"

Harry squished his nose in disgust as Draco wiped his mouth. The blonde turned to the boy and then turned his attention to the elf.

"What's this?" He asked, his eyebrows shooting above his hairline.

"That's my new elf, Demetry," Harry responded, yawning.

"What's wrong with the other one?" Draco asked, surprising Harry with the concern in his voice. "He didn't betray your family did he?"

The Boy Who Started To LiveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora