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"Harry," Dumbledore said in a soft rasping voice "Come in, lad,"

Harry entered the office with a huge smile on his face. He skipped over to a chair in front of the wizard's large desk and happily sank into it, stretching himself out. Dumbledore's large phoenix flew over to the boy and perched on the chair to the side. Harry gently pet the silken down feathers on the bird's chest and smiled softly.

"This is a phoenix, isn't it?" Harry asked, examining the large wings that he gently spread "They have healing qualities. I was studying them over summer at Newt's house, well I suppose it is my house now too isn't it? He gave me a few books on magical creatures and creature inheritances. Did you know that there are only twelve remaining Phoenixes' known of in Magical Europe? There might be more in America, but they refuse to communicate with Britain. Though Newt refuses to tell me why."

"Calm yourself, Harry," Dumbledore said, not unkindly.

"Right, yes of course," he replied, pulling his attention from the bird and instead giving it to the old man.  "These new pills they have me on make me very hyper sometimes. Cordelia is going to have me tested for something called ADHD when I return at Christmas, It's some muggle disease or something. She wants to do things the muggle way. She says she trusts their medications more. Something about science. I wasn't very good at science when I was at muggle school you know. I got a 'C' every time. They say that science is just like cooking except with different chemicals, or maybe that's Chemistry. I don't know. But I am not very good at Chemistry either."

"Harry," Dumbledore repeated.


Harry bounced his leg up and down as he waited for the headmaster to begin talking. After a second, before Dumbledore could even open his mouth the boy began tapping his fingernails on the desktop. Dumbledore sighed.

"How have your sessions with Dr. Prince been going?" Dumbledore asked, leaning forward onto his hands.

"Oh it's been great! She's a wonderful doctor. We've talked loads of times about things that bug me. She's also helping me gain weight with some drink called 'Pediasure' it's like a chocolate milk that helps you gain weight. They don't taste too bad so I don't mind them and I've already gained ten pounds in the last three months! the pills aren't that great though I have to take like twenty a day. There's Brexpiprazole, escitalopram, anabolic steroids, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Iron tabs, Vitamin C and D, Fish oil, Hemp tabs, and Xanax. They help and there's been no side effects so far,"

Harry stood up and stretched before walking around the room, seeming to run from one object to another to poke at it or look at it. Dumbledore frowned at the child's excitability. Harry turned back to the Headmaster, suddenly remembering that they were supposed to be doing something.

"Oh, she has me on potions too! Lots of potions! I'm supposed to go give them to Professor Snape, but I haven't yet. Besides I know what I'm supposed to take. Don't worry she told me that it's perfectly safe to take magic medicines as well as muggle ones, with no side effects at all." Harry stumbled lightly and shook his head "I feel great though, honestly! She also gave me this for if I am ever feeling overwhelmed,"

Harry pulled out a muggle inhaler and shook it up. He inserted the mouth guard into his mouth and pressed the button at the top, inhaling deeply.

"I rather like this one," Harry admitted, "I use it three or even four times a day! But she said it's perfectly safe, no reason to worry at all,"

"Harry I called you here to discuss Caleb Scamander,"

Harry ran over to the desk and jumped into the seat, kneeling on his knees instead of sitting. The phoenix gave Harry an annoyed look and Harry tuned out it's existence.

"Oh yeah, him!" Harry started rambling, "Yeah you know you gave me two letters for Hogwarts this year, one for me and one for Caleb and at first I was like 'this doesn't seem right at all' but I looked again and I was right there was two letters right there. Me and Newt had to go get me a new wand the day before September first! Now I have two wands! Do you know any other twelve year old with two wands? I don't think so! I'm the only twelve year old with two wands! Oh and did I tell you that I'm twelve now? I am. I had a birthday party and everything! My first birthday party! Well I'm sure that my parents had a birthday party for me when I was a baby but that doesn't count much because I was a baby and I can't remember things from when I was a baby! I'm twelve now I can't remember when I was a baby! Can you remember things from when you were a baby? I don't think you can because you are really old professor, and I don't say that to be rude but it is a fact you a very old. Like older that a hundred! Did you know that you don't need the 'a' in front of hundred? You really don't, because 'hundred' just means that, one hundred, so when you say 'hundred' you really just mean one hundred. It's a unit of measurement see? Like a barrel, or a pinch. Speaking of pinches, I'm supposed to put a pinch of this powder in my drink at breakfast, I don't remember what it's for I just know I am supposed to do it. oh, speaking of breakfast how am I supposed to have two people eating breakfast when it's just me? Won't people notice that Caleb is always missing breakfast? And for that matter how am I supposed to be two separate people at class? People will definitely notice if I'm not in class every other day! I know you sent me two letters, I saw them! There were two alright but that has to be wrong! There simply can't be two letters so why are there two letters?"

Dumbledore was suddenly having a very intense migraine.

"Harry there were supposed to be two letters."


Dumbledore looked up at the raven haired boy and sighed.

"Caleb Scamander is officially a Hogwarts student. As is Harry Potter." harry opened his mouth but Dumbledore held up a hand to stop him "The ministry has given me permission to allow you to use this."

The elderly man held up a small box and passed it to Harry. The raven haired child took the box from his headmaster with a nervous fluttering of the heart. He cautiously took the lid off the box and peered inside.

"What is it?" Harry asked, looking at the odd pendant that sat inside the velvet casing.

"It is what  will allow Caleb and Harry to live in harmony," Dumbledore swallowed a little as the child picket up the gold chain from inside of the box "it is called a time turner."

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