I'm back b*tches

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Draco looked at the little man across the desk from him. The investigator smiled politely and pushed a tray of brownies across the tabletop to the boy. 

"Ello, Draco," Fautin said with a tight smile. "Would you like a snack?"

Draco grimaced and pushed the tray towards the man. 

"No thank you," he said tightly. 

The auror frowned and ignored the tray of treats. He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen to write with from his jacket, before turning to the twelve-year-old. 

"Mister Malfoy," He cleared his throat slightly before starting "Do you recall an incident between Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter in the bathroom earlier this year?" 

Draco shifted slightly in his chair and nodded. 

"I do, they met by accident in the third-floor girl's bathroom," He said, maintaining eye contact with the man. 

"And why was mizter Potter in the girlz bathroom?" Fautin asked with a frown.

"He was bringing me to meet Moaning Myrtle, the ghost that resided in the bathroom at the time," 

"At ze time?" 

"She passed over," Draco said, "to the other side."

The detective frowned and wrote something on the paper in front of him. Draco had to bite down the instinct to look at the paper. 

"And zis was after you met Ginny in ze bathroom?"

Draco tensed his jaw and nodded. His years of training with his father let him know the man before him was smiling internally. He wanted to prove there were no other witnesses so the government could say they were conspiring and uniting their stories. It was a classic move. 

"Yes, Me Caleb and Harry saw Ginny Weasley in the bathroom crying."

The man's cheek twitched. Gotcha, Draco thought to himself. 

"Caleb Scamander?" the detective asked. 

"That's correct." Draco sat back slightly. 

"Mizz Granger was crying?" the Detective prompted. 

"She is always crying," Draco made a point to say is instead of was as his father drilled into him since birth. "She's a very emotional girl," 

"Would you say thiz bothered you?" 

"No. All girls are emotional." Draco said, lowering his voice he whispered "It's the change, you know," 

"Ze change?"

"You know," Draco whispered "their periods,"

The detective blushed heavily and sat up straighter. 

"Yez, I zee." he coughed slightly "Zat iz common at zis age," 

Draco had to hold back a smile and sat up straight once more. 

"Anyways, Ginny has always been emotional. She goes from 0 to 100 in a second. It wouldn't surprise me if she's been hiding just to make her family pay attention to her. I hope that's the case," 

"Would you zay she does thingz like zat often?" 

"Oh, yeah," Draco said, "There was a ministry party once that all the families were invited to and I remember Ginny ran away and they had to do a huge search for her. My father was furious. Not sure why she does it though, she's already the only daughter they have."  

The detective sat back in his chair and looked Draco over. 

"So the day you saw her in ze bathroom," 

"She was mad at Harry for levitating Ron in dueling club, don't see why though he followed the rules. No one was hurt and he used light magic," Draco quickly went back to the original topic "She said he wasn't her friend anymore,"

 "Because of ze dueling club?" 

"And other stuff, she was mad he didn't want to be the golden boy everyone expects him to be," Draco tapped on the desk slightly "Harry's just a kid, you know? He doesn't want to be the boy-who-lived. He's been treated like crap his whole life because of it, you know? It's a lot of pressure for a kid. He doesn't want people to expect him to be a hero or anything, it's too much. He's just Harry." 

The detective stopped writing and put down his pen, his detective persona slipping. 

"Zat must be hard," he said. 

"It is," Draco replied, not thinking. "He has to take medication from all the stress," 

"I didn't know zat," the man said, sadly. 

"He doesn't tell a lot of people, but it's been really hard for him. He goes to therapy and everything." Draco sighed slightly "All of his friends turned their backs on him, the other kids in Hufflepuff hate him. Everyone hates him. Me and Caleb are his only real friends. Greg and Vincent are nice to him, but it's not the same."

The detective nodded before writing something down. 

"These medicationz Harry takez," The detective didn't finish the question. 

"I'm not sure what they're for," Draco answered honestly "Only that he is constantly taking them and that he says it's supposed to help,"

The detective slouched slightly. 

"How did Harry find Ginny's book?" 

"She left it behind after storming out," Draco shrugged. "Harry picked it up and said he'd give it back to her. I think somehow Granger- er Hermione that is, got the book and gave it to her. Not sure what the big deal was, it was empty anyway." 


"Yeah, it was a diary. Secondhand it seems. Some Christmas gift some guy decided to sell or something, there was no writing in it though." 

"And how was Ginny last time you saw her?" 

"Same as usual," Draco shrugged "She was heading up to the Gryffindor towers I think, I bumped into her on the third floor and she told me-" 

"Go on," The detective prompted noticing the boy's flushed face. 

"She told me to 'go fuck myself' and ran in the girl's bathroom so I couldn't defend myself. That's the last I saw her," 

The detective coughed slightly and nodded. 

"Would you say she waz upzet?" 

"Not really," Draco replied "just angry" 

"Zank you, Mister Malfoy zat iz all I needed," 

Draco got up and promptly left the room leaving the detective stewing in his thoughts.

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