Holy balls of fire

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Harry laid on his bed in the dark staring at his bedroom ceiling for a long time. His eyes had long since glazed over in the darkness as he watched the ceiling repeat the same charm over and over, showing an image of the stars in outer space with the name of the constellation next to them. Orion, Canis Major, Scorpius, Cassieopia, Ursa Major, Lyra, Cygnus, Orion, Canis Major, Scorpius. He had been staring at them so long that the small sights had blended into a light-show that made Harry numb. He rolled over onto his side and reached out for his bedside table. Slowly he opened the drawer and his hand grazed upon the smooth glass of a sphere that sat inside. Warmth shot up Harry's arm in a way that made the base of his spine tingle. He sighed with the contact, a small smile gracing his face.
"Lucifer," he whispered softly.
Suddenly fire shot up his arm in a show of light before Harry was pulled into darkness.

Harry looked around the black room and sighed. It was warmer there and he felt his muscles relax in a way he hadn't known they could. Feeling like putty Harry sunk down to the floor of the omnipotence room and sighed. He felt a presence at his side and Harry turned to look at the man who sat next to him.
"Harry," he said softly "It has been a long time,"
"Yes," Harry sighed.
"Come tell old Lucy what is bothering you child," the man said, conjuring a glass of Jack Daniels and handing it to the almost twelve year old "have a drink,"
Harry looked at the glass and took it in his hand. He turned to look at the adult and sighed.
"Something Cadence said has been bothering me,"
"Ah, yes," Lucifer said "the dog,"
"Well he said that James Potter went to fight Voldemort," Harry said with his eye brows pulled together.
"He did," Lucifer confirmed, conjuring his own drink.
"And he said that James didn't have a wand,"
"He didn't," Lucifer confirmed again, taking a long drink.
"He called James an idiot," Harry said looking at the dark liquid in his glass "was James an idiot?"
Lucifer paused and looked at Harry with a frown. Harry sniffed lightly at the drink before taking a small sip of it. He coughed harshly at the acidity and placed the glass on the floor at his side.
"Do you think James was an idiot?" Lucifer countered.
"Well," Harry said, looking down in thought "I don't know. I never really knew the man. Growing up I thought he might not be, but now I'm not so sure what to think of my parents."
Lucifer hummed and leaned back onto his hands. They sat in silence for a long time. Harry sighed and absentmindedly made sparks of fire shoot from his fingertips. Lucifer watched him intently before sitting up once more.
"James Potter, Age twenty-one, born March twenty-seventh," he said bluntly "was a pure-blood wizard from the Potter lineage. His parents were Euphemia Potter and Fleamont Potter. He was a direct descendant from the Peverell family"
"I've heard that name before"  Harry interrupted.
"As well as a direct descendant from Godric Gryffindor. He was head boy at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he attended from the year nineteen thousand-nine hundred and seventy one until the year nineteen thousand-nine hundred and seventy-eight. In his seventh year at Hogwarts he started dating Lilly Evans who he would later marry."
Harry sat for a long time absorbing the information he was given. He took another sip of alcohol and grimaced slightly at the taste. 
"When James died," Harry said after a long moment "Did he end up...?"
"In hell?" Lucifer finished for him.
Harry held his breath and watched as Lucifer thought it over a long time.
"Well," he said softly "James certainly wasn't the kindest man,"
Harry nodded and finished off his drink. Lucifer watched Harry for a long time after that.
"And..." he said softly "mum?"
Lucifer smiled softly.
"Lilly Potter, I can happily say, did not end up in my care," he said.
"Oh," Harry sighed with relief.
They sat again for a long time. Harry sighed softly and felt warmth fill his hand. He watched as soft flames surrounded his hand. Lucifer watched as Harry observed the small flames.
"Try forming it into a ball," he said softly "imagine the flames are like clay and you just squeezed it into a sphere,"
Harry looked at the flames and tried to force them into the center of his hand. He felt sweat break out on his forehead as he tried to force the liquid like flames to sit still. Harry clenched his teeth painfully hard and got the flame to sit still in his hand. It slowed down cooling and heating like waves as he threw more energy at it. He felt the flames take shape into a very uneven sphere with bumps around it's surface. He panted heavily and turned to look at the man at his side with a large smile on his face. Harry frowned as he saw he was alone once more. Suddenly he gasped and shot straight up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat. A small marble sized ball of flame sat perfectly in his palm and Harry quickly closed his fist around it to put out the flame before it set his sheets on fire. He fell back harshly on his pillow and groaned in pain as his head felt like it was about to split open. Harry sighed and closed his bedside drawer before falling asleep once more.

//////////AN: dont hate me ////////////////

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