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"Adrien how about we go to that ride?"

"Okay baby lets go"

Adrien and i were at the fair, since i have been wanting to come since the day before yesterday but he was busy, thankfully we were able to come today, it's the last day anyways, while we were walking to the ferris wheel, we crashed with A girl

" Adrieeennn long time no see how have you been?"

"Ive been great actually"

" really thats good, umm if u dont mind who is she?"

She said looking me up and down showing disgust in her face.

"Oh her? She friend"

Wait what? His friend how dare he oh he is going to catch some scolding tonight.

" oh thank god i thought you moved on from me"

Umm whatt move on from me?


She's his ex!! Mmm alright, baby karmas a bitch, i let go of his arm that i was holding, sticking my hand out to greet her.

" yeah and you are?"

" oh im his ex, we broke up om good terms tho"

" oh thats great maybe he still loves you, yall should get back together, i wont disturb any more"

" mari-"

"No. Adrien stay."

I said with a cold voice. I then left making a quick call, only to give adrien a taste of his own medicine.

Nathaniel was quick to arrive, we date but broke up on good terms, And yes adrien knows my past with him.

" so marinette what we dealing with"

" so adrien just called me his friend infront of his ex"

" mm i see i see, well heres the plan"

(Just imagine a bunch of whispers)

"Okay got it"

I left nathaniel and kept walking making my way to the cotton candy post.

"Marinette why did you leave me with her?!"

" what i just wanted cotton candy"

" look im sorry i called u my friend infront of her, its just i havent seen her in a long time and was shocked"

" dont worry its okay i understand"

"Okay how abo-"


"Nathaniel omg its been so long how have you been?"

"Ive been great actually, still single since we broke up"


"Yeah, cant find some1 else like you, who is this btw?"

" oh i am-"

" my friend, he's my friend"


What just happened? Did she just call me her friend? Infront of her ex?!

" oh cool, you know we should catch up sometime"

" yeah sure, give me your number"


"Marinette come i need to talk to you" i said pulling her to a secluded place

" what the fuck was going on there, your friend?! Im your fucking boyfriend for gods sake"

" im sorry okay i just havent seen him in a long time and was shocked" she said in a mocking voice.

After she went back to him, leaving me fuming with anger here while she laughed at sum stupis joke he made before hugging him and coming back to me.

"Marinette why the fuck did you call me ur friend ?!"

" karmas a bitch isnt she?"

" what are you on about?!"

" remember you called me ur friend first so i thought why not do the same?"

"Is this whats it all about? I said im sorry"

" yeah but that doesnt mean it doesnt hurt" she mumbled lowing her head.

I then understood her and she was right no matter what she's my girl and the women i see myself in the future with.

"Im sorry baby your right, im a dick for calling you my friend, when as a matter of fact, ur my girl, the girl i see myself in the future with, the girl i want to form a family with, not a friend, please forgive me bugaboo"

" you promise not to do it again"

I gently lift her face staring at her pink plumpy lips, kissing them.

" does that convince you?"

"No, maybe another one will"

" *peck* do you forgive me?"

" fine i do, but you better not do it again"

" i wont my lady

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