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When the word "family" is uttered, a familiar picture comes to mind. A mother and a father with their children living in a quaint house with a white picket fence and a dog. This is not the family that is about to be described. This family does not consist of a mother or a father. This family does not have the  luxury of living in a quaint house with a white picket fence and a dog. This family is something quite different. My family is quite different. A group of teenagers pushed to the fringes of society, because people seem to change around us and they blame us for it. With good reason too. My family and I are not normal. People blame us for the effects we have on them because our natural and innate influence is so strong, it can drive even the most iron-willed person to do unimaginable things. The reason for this uncontrollable power we posses is, we are the seven deadly sins incarnate. Born from Lucifer to carry out one task. Spread evil and chaos throughout the human world.

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