chapter 2

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Forth stares at the woman beside him

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Forth stares at the woman beside him.

Her long hair is splattered all over the bed and with her naked body exposed like this—she looks like a nymph. She’s beautiful, alright, but it wasn’t even enough to make him remember her name. He looks at her neck which shows a gold collar… She’s an Omega and he didn't even remember that.

It’s no hidden secret that Omegas are the best sex partners any Alpha could ask for. It’s like fitting your hand in a perfectly tailored glove. Every Omega is somehow tailored for every Alpha. Just like this woman—he may not remember her name but he can sure feel the satisfaction with what they did last night. But she’s not special because every Omega does that for him.

He sighs and gets out of the bed. He is an asshole but he slept well and he feels well, so he wouldn’t throw her out just yet. He’ll let her rest as long as she wants.

Preparing for office, all he needed to do was shower and get dressed and all the other things he needs are already prepared for him. He might be living alone in his standard penthouse unit but he still has the helpers his mother insisted that he should have. He wanted to reject it because what’s the essence now of choosing to live alone when he’ll just have the same treatment he gets from their mansion? There was no point ranting about it again today because he would a hypocrite if he will say he didn’t like the convenience of his helpers.

Just like now. His full breakfast is served and his coffee is freshly brewed.

“Good morning, young master. Shall I prepare a separate breakfast for your… guest?”

Forth chuckles with what his helper said. It’s always amusing for him whenever they all feel awkward with the women he brings here. “No need for that, Lilia. I’m sure she’ll want to leave the moment she wakes up.”

“Noted, young master.” She then left him in peace with his breakfast.

He was just about to enjoy his hot cup of coffee when—

“How many times do I have to tell you, Forth, that every Monday your grandfather wants you in the mansion?”

He knows it is a bad omen when you sigh in front of your food but he couldn't help it. Forcing himself up again, he went to his mother to kiss her and ignore her scolding. “Good morning, mom. Isn’t too early for you to miss your most handsome son?”

“You’re my only son and stop changing the subject.”

He chuckles at that and pulled a seat for his mom but she refuses to sit down. He just sat down again himself and continue eating his breakfast.

“Forth, you’re Grandfather wants a word with you and—”

Before his mom could finish his sentence, and in all of the timings in the world, the Omega he fucked last night came out of his room. Thankfully, she’s dressed already.

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