Chapter 10

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Midnight's P.O.V

"Awww, you actually look even cuter when you're all broken and depressed." The ebony haired 17 year old chuckled from behind me.

I should've known I wouldn't be at peace forever on this roof. I mean he is one of Batman's kids and they do some freaky stuff, like when I saw Dick make his cereal. Oh God I don't  even want to get into that.

"Hey! You're just going ignore me?" Jason sneered and I felt that he was standing right behind my small form that was curled up into a ball.

"What now?" I mumbled while keeping my face covered by my knees.

"I just wanted to tell you that Red Jester is up." Jason said in a hesitant voice as like he was afraid I would do something.

"I'm not going to lecture you if that's what you think," I rolled my eyes as I lifted my face and turned to see him staring at me with a dark eyebrow raised.

"You sure? I wouldn't be surprised if you ranted on about how she's gone or whatever nonsense goes on in that strange little head of yours." He said with a smirk.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you flipped out on me from earlier." I mumbled as he sat next to me and dangled his legs off the roof.

He shrugged and looked in the opposite direction. "Whatever, I was kinda out of line too."

I looked at the teen like he was crazy as he stared at the sky where the sun was slowly setting.

"It looks really nice don't you think?" He asked in a daze. "I like days like this. When the sky turns to an orange, it looks like the world is telling you everything gets better."

"Wow," I said in awe. It actually was gorgeous and I actually understood  where he was going. "I never thought about it like that."

"Yeah well, when you're alone you notice things you never realized before." He whispered, taking an interest to his worn out combat boots.

I stayed quiet for a moment not knowing the thing correct to say. Sometimes I forget that Jason came all the way from the dead. To know that everyone thinks you're dead. It must have been horrible.

"Jason...." His emerald eyes darted towards me as I spoke.

"Yeah?" He said slightly confused.

He cried out in shock when I threw my arms around and held on to his waist tightly.

"A-Alex what-what are you d-doing?" He asked in horror.

"Shut up Todd," I said squeezing my eyes as I felt them sting with tears. "Just shut up, you need this."

It took him a while but soon I felt his once tense muscles relax and his toned arms wrap around my shoulders. I don't think I had ever been in such an awkward position in my life. And some weird shazz has happened to me. We just hugged each other quietly until I felt moisture spread over my shoulder.


"I hate you!" He sobbed as he rested his head on my shoulder. "I hate you so much Steel..."

Okay now this is the most awkward position I've ever been in.

"Yeah, I'm not too fond of you either Jason." I said in distasteful voice. "But," I said hearing my voice growing soft while he sobbed into my neck. "You're still a human being. And no one should go through what you have."

While he cried his eyes out I ran my finger through his raven hair for comfort. "You're such an idiot" I sighed.

"And you're a little brat." He retorted through sobs.

"Shut up." I mumbled, even though I did feel a smile twitch onto my lips.

After a few more insults Jason had finally sobbered up and pulled away from our hug.

"Yeah, um...thanks..." He said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

I just nodded staying silent. I sat there awkwadly with him towering over me hoping he would just leave but nope, the universe just hated me.

"So, I'm going to go check on Robin... Do you maybe...want to come?" He asked hesitantly waiting for me to lash out.

I closed my eyes and sat there silently thinking it over.

"I don't know." I answered shakingly. "I don't think I'm ready."

When I opened my eyes after a silent pause I saw his hand stretched out towards me.

"Come on, brat" He chuckled with one of his mechivous smirks.

I rolled my eyes and took his hand to help me stand. He then wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"Now don't do anythig stupid, '

kay?" Jason said.

"I'll make no such promises." I said with a smirk making him snort.

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