Chapter 6

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Midnight's P.O.V

I heard Jason let out a long whistle behind me.

"Man do you look hot in that." He said.

I growled as I turned to him and folded my arm. "May I ask what in the world are you doing in here?"

"I wanted to make sure there was no wardrobe malfunction." He said with a smirk.

I tightened my grip on my arms and gritted my teeth. I really felt like saying some colorful stuff to him but held my tongue.

"Oh Jason," I smiled sweetly. "I have punched that smirk off you once and I can surely do it again."

His smile trembled and he growled as he turned away.

"Whatever let's just go, Jester and Ice Boy have been seen at the creepy carnival place again."

As he closed the door I sighed and threw myself into a chair. I hated this, I don't want to be a criminal! Oh god what if we run into the team?! Uh I'm going to kill Jason.

I heard him knock on the door.

"Any day now gorgeous!" He yelled at me.

"You want me to hurt you! Right?" I said as I stood up and perpared myself for the crazy events that are soon to happen.

"Let's go!" He growled.


It's as creepy as I remember, the ticket booth, popcorn machine, and the clown ride. That little clown still scared me with it's yellow teeth and green hair. It's eyes and dilated pupils looking at you, reaching into you soul. Like it was searching for a your deepest f-

"That clown is so stupid, I mean look at it! It looks like one of those clowns at a kid's birthday party! Oooo so scary!" Jason mocked the clown.

I felt a blush rise on my cheeks feeling silly for thinking the clown was so scary.

"So...where exactly are they?" I asked.

He just shrugged at me, "How should I know?"

I wanted to slap him once he told me that. How are we going to find two teenagers in the ginormous place?

"You heard that?" He asked as he stopped me.

We listened closely as we heard the females laughter. Except this laughter sounded deranged and creepy. Yup, we found them.

"What now?" I mumbled into his ear as his green eyes as darted around the place.

"We get their attention." He said picking up a lid to a trash can.

"What are-"

With all his strength he hit the metal lid against the rusted popcorn machine. Making an ear splitting clang. We heard the laughter stop and replace with a conversation between the couple.

"Now what?!" I half whispered and half yelled. "Let them catch and us and-"

I was expecting him to cover my mouth with his hands, not his lips. Jason had yanked me into his and arms and fiercely kissed me. I tried to pull back but unfortunately he just had to be stronger than me and have a good grip. I felt him nudge my leg as I struggled to break free. Suddenly I knew what he was saying, play along.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I rested my hands on his shoulders and kissed him back with as much force as he did.

Pertend it's Tim pretend it's Tim

But it wasn't that easy. Tim had very soft and smooth lips, kinda like babies skin. Jason had rough and hard lips. But then again Tim hasn't been killed and brought back to life.

"Who are y-HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" We heard a feminine voice give out a huge screech.

Jason finally pulled away. What we saw was one really angry clown and one really confused popsicle.

Red Jester was glaring daggers at me, yet holding Icicle Junior's hand.

'Alright, let the games begin,' Was all I thought, holding in the urge to kick Jason in the crouch as he wrapped his arms around me. Not making Red Jester any happier.

Red Hood's RevengeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora