Chapter 2

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Midnight's P.O.V.

4325 Ares Street.

That's where Red Jester and Icicle Junior were sighted. In an old abandoned amusement park that hadn't been open for almost 30 years.

I took my time getting there. Counting each step I took on each rooftop. Thirty on my first and only five on my seventh building. Looking down at the old and cracked cement buildings, I thought about how depressing it was to fight criminals alone. Of course I had Tim and the others, but I mean true fun. Just like laughing over this popular girl while knocking an criminals teeth out.

I slid down the ladder leading to the amusement park's entrance. "Gotham's Amusement Park" Was engraved on the large gates that were spread wide open. I slowly walked through the gates, passing an old and rusted ticket booth then there was a small broken down popcorn machine.

What happened to this place?

It couldn't have been the Joker or any villian in Gotham. I mean at the time this was open Bruce was maybe five.

A clang of metal stopped my train of thought. I turned around so hard I think I got wiplash only to stand in front a ride. A large clown face and it's mouth the entrance to the ride.


I took slow and small steps watching as the clowns deranged face became more clear. He had crazy green hair and red ruby lips, your usual clown. There was a large sign on the clowns forehead saying "Wacky's Wateride" in letters that were suppose to be lit up with festive colors. I lifted my foot and cautiously rested on the red stained floor that I guessed was suppose to be the clowns tounge.

I tried to find where the source of the sound was coming from. I heard another noise from behind me and I swiftly turned around. The only thing there was a red, yellow, and green little boat that was suppose to flow down the now empty artificial river. When I walked up to it a saw a boot print in the dust that coated the boat.

"What the-?" I cut myself off when I heard someone drop to the ground behind me.

I stood still not having the courage to turn around even if I heard heavy foot steps coming closer to me. My chest got tighter making it harder to breathe as I silently panicked. It couldn't be Red Jester because I would of heard the clinking of her heals and her echoing laugh. When the mystery person took a hault I could feel that they were probably less than a foot away from me. For a moment it was silent until the stranger spoke.

"Aw... what you're not going to say hi to your best friend?" Said a voice I could never ever forget.

Everything was in slow motion as I whirled my heels around and saw the person I dreaded it wouldn't be.


That's all that wrung through my ears when I saw him. When I saw him a show of the debris shot from every direction as the warehouse fell apart.

......I really really don't like you.....

.........You're crazy!.......

......How does Robin stand you?!.....

I felt like the room was spinning as my knees buckled.

"What no kiss?" He smirked as he rested his gleaming red helmet on his hip.

I swallowed hard and stood up straighter.

"You're alive." I said.

Like he didn't know that already.

He chuckled making his bangs falling into his eyes making him seem even more intimidating.

"Missed me Alex?" He said giving me me a smirk showing off his pearly white teeth.

Come on Steel stop looking like a fool in front of him dead or not.

"More or less." I said giving him my own little teasing smirk.

He smiled at me, but I could something was wrong by the look in his emerald eyes.

"Wait." I frowned. "What happened to Red Jester and Icicle Junior?"

Jaosn looked away and growled when I said their names.

"Jason...." He looked back at me as I said his name. "What happened?"

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