Late Night Crisis

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**Warning: My old writing/vaguely proof-read**

He tapped on the human sprawled over his chest, "Harper, are ye awake?"

"I am now," she groaned, looking at the clock, "God damn it, Ulrik. It's two in the fucking morning."

"I've just been thinkin', and I haven't eaten anyone in a long ass time," he murmured distantly.

"That's called being a functional member of society," she snorted.

"Yeah, I guess it is," he nodded, "But it doesn't feel normal t'na' eat people, but at tha same time, I feel more normal by na' eatin' people."

"That makes no sense," she scoffed.

"I know it doesn't, and I wish it did. I think I'm just havin' an identity crisis or somethin'." he sighed. Harper flipped over onto her stomach, so she could look at the silhouette of his face. "One moment, I'm actually enjoyin' helpin' tha lil morsels, but tha next moment, I'm missin' tha ol' days when eatin' morsels was good. No offence t'ye, morsel. Sometimes I just get these really bad cravings where I just wanna eat ye."

"What now?" she cocked a brow.

"I have cravings sometimes. Ye just trigger them a lot because I'm constantly seein' ye." he explained.

"And you're now telling me this?" she snarled.

"I have it under control, and I didn't wanna worry ye, shortie," he protested.

"Well you still should've warned me!" she exclaimed.

"I was scared ye were gonna tell m'parole officer."

"They can't imprison you for having withdrawal symptoms."

"I'm na' worried 'bout that. I'm worried that they'll move ye," he grimaced, "And I'll lose m'morsel."

She smiled wryly, glad the darkness hid her smile."They're not going to move me because I'm not going to tell anyone. It's no one else's business except ours, but no more secrets like that. Alright?"

"Yes ma'am," he obliged.

"So what's the deal with your crisis, big guy?" she rubbed at the mass underneath her.

"I was just whinin'. Get some sleep." he urged.

"Bitch, I did not wake up at two a.m. just to hear about my roommate wanting to eat me. Speak." she demanded.

"I already told ye, morsel. Sometimes I feel like life would be easier 'n' all if I could legally eat ye," he elaborated.

"Thanks," she glared at him through the darkness.

"I didn't say 'better'. I said 'easier'." he objected, "For the longest time, I thought I was doin' good by eliminatin' tha morsels, but all of tha sudden, good is bad, and heroes are villains. Everyone says I'm a villain, but I don't feel like one. I feel guilty because I don't see why I'm guilty. Maybe I'm crazy."

"Oh, you're crazy alright, but that's not the root of your problems," she assured him.

"Fuck ye," he growled, "Surely ye're tha one person who can understand m'withdrawal."

"I can't say I miss eating people."

"That's na' what I meant," he cupped a hand around her backside, "Don't ye ever miss when we could've killed each other and been hailed heroes?"

"I haven't really thought about it until now, but yeah, I guess I miss it," she admitted.

"Are we bad people?" his voice came out in a whisper.

"Bad is objective. In whose perspective are you asking?" she inquired.


"There's no one answer to 'Are we bad people?'. Are you asking if the civilian society thinks we're bad people? Then hell yeah. If you're asking about giants who haven't gotten over everything, then you're good; I'm bad. If you're asking about the humans who haven't gotten over everything, then I'm good; you're bad. If you're asking if I think we're bad, then no. Do you think we're bad people?"

He lay silently until his replied came back in a questioning squeak, "No?"

"Then we're not bad people," she slumped against his chest.

"But some people think we are," he protested.

"Until they live your full story, then their opinion doesn't matter. You can't say a book is bad or good by reading it's back cover. A lot of times those back cover summaries suck ass, and most back covers are just reviews from other people.  People may say, 'Ulrik is a horrifying beast who eats people.' Yeah, but he's also a bwig bwaby who stays up until two a.m. becwause he's scwared pweople don't wike him.

"Ye're really mean sometimes," he pouted.

"Oh bah~"

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