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Monday came by with the campus looking normal now since all the decorations where fixed and kept. Wang Yibo made his way to the campus to find out the people around were rather noisier than before. If one was to look left and right, people where either chattering or looking terrified. How come the president isn't here at the gate today? He thought as he continued to walk forward for a bit but then he sensed something is definitely off and wrong. The vice president stops in his tracks and turned to the closest person beside him. "What are you guys talking about?" The female student immediately flinched and her face paled upon seeing Wang Yibo. "Ah- Vice pres..."

"Just say it. Stop wasting my time, please."  He said with the hint of coldness and the girl trembled. "It wasn't me!" She raised her voice for a bit as she dashes off with her friend. "What the hell..." He whispered under his breath and went towards a group of people who were also whispering to themselves. "What are you guys talking about? It's so early in the morning and it's so noisy already." Everyone in the group quickly shuts their mouth and exchanged looks. "Uh, vice pres, you don't k-know?" A junior looking guy stuttered and Yibo's eyes furrowed. "If I knew about it, should I be asking? What is it? Be direct to the point."

"I guess you don't know but..." Another girl trailed off and looked over her friend beside her. "There were some inappropriate pictures that were posted at the announcement board..." She explained and shakingly points the campus announcement board not too far from them. People were swarming at it and some where taking pictures with their phones. "Thank you." He said shortly and immediately made his way at the crowd. "I wonder how Wang-ge will react..." The girl worriedly said as she looked over her friends who were also worried.

As the vice president got closer, he could see Mianmian, Zhuocheng and the other student council members trying to cover the board. "What's going on?" Wang Yibo's cold and stern voice made everyone froze on their spots. The crowd parted on instinct and to Yibo's surprised once more, the president was nowhere to be seen again. Mianmian averted her gaze and Zhuocheng didn't say anything with a scowl on his face. The other members didn't say anything either and Yibo didn't bother to speak any further as he looked at the board himself. He felt his blood running cold at the sight and he felt the fury swell inside him.

The cold and dark aura was very noticeable and others started running away but Wang Yibo turned around as he faced the crowd with a deathly glare on his face. "As the second person in charge and the president is not present right now, I command everyone to participate and confiscate their phones and let them go to the guidance's office." There were obvious gasps around the crowd and others already started hiding their phones and pretended they weren't part of it, but before they could, all the student council members stopped them.

Meng Ziyi even ran after a person who was trying to escape. "Vice president! Aren't you being too harsh? It's normal for rumors to spread! You're just being bias since it's your friend!" A male student said angrily, trying to prevent himself from being sent at the guidance's office.

Wang Yibo turned to face the man and slowly made his way towards him.

"Tell me, if your friend is also being treated that way, will you hide in the dark and be a fucking coward shitting your pants on? Even if it's not confirmed yet that it's him. It's very vulgar to take pictures." He venomly said and everyone didn't mutter anything. As if their breath also hitched at their throats. This is why no one dares to anger the vice president. It was only rare for him to get angry. Maybe it was the 4th time he got seriously angry when he was enrolled here for 3 years. The first one was Xiao Zhan pouring a bucket of cold water, the 2nd one was fighting the president a week ago, the 3rd time was Yibo bursted out in anger with He Peng and now's the 4th time.

I Hate the Way You Say My Name | YiZhanWhere stories live. Discover now