Chapter 11

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Trigger Warning: Please be cautious on reading the starting of this chapter.
Xiao Zhan froze on his place and nervously gulped his saliva. His face suddenly paled as if his skin color disappeared without a trace. The beating of his heart became faster and his breath hitched from time to time. His palms became sweaty and he felt extremely suffocated, it was like he's being choked. Xiao Zhan felt nauseous and unconsciously held his stomach. The feeling of uneasiness and anxiety washed over him. His lips quivered, trying to say something but he can't.

Wang Yibo, seeing the reaction of the president, he immediately felt bad and his anger dissipated, it changed into worry. Yibo realized that he's having an anxiety attack. Immediately rushing to his side, "Xiao Zhan, calm down." He said as he gently shakes him but the president can't seem to care at the moment, he harshly pushes Wang Yibo and said, "Why do you keep bringing up what happened two years ago!?" Xiao Zhan shouted and leans on the wall as he tries to calm himself.

It was Yibo's turn to stumble backwards. He can't say anything and felt really guilty. Right, why does he want to find out what happened Xiao Zhn two years ago? Why is he so curious why the president stopped singing?

"Why are you so worked up about it?" He asked as he dust himself off and stood in front of Xiao Zhan. The president tries to catch his breath and everything is becoming blurry as his head ached. "You-Why don't you mind your own business?" He said angrily and looks at the vice-president with pained eyes.

"If you don't say anything, no one can help you-" Xiao Zhan immediately cuts him off and yelled with a broken voice, "Do you thinks it's that easy to say!?" He panted and now, he felt even more suffocated that before, the air was like toxic to him and he felt like vomitting at that very moment. Without noticing, tears were already streaming down his face and he hugs himself as if he's trying to protect himself.

It was the first time Wang Yibo saw Xiao Zhan cried. Heck, no one actually saw him cry before. He's always the cheerful person that greets everyone. Yibo felt a sudden pang in his chest and he didn't want to see this very person cry. "I..." He can't say anything, he doesn't know what to say or what to do, especially when people are upset. It's his fault why the president is crying. Reaching out his hand but before he could do anything, Xiao Zhan quickly slapped his hand away and shouted, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" It was very clear that the president is shaking and it felt like he could faint any minute.

"Xiao Zhan, calm down. I won't do anything," Yibo said but Xiao Zhan felt extremely threatened. He didn't say anything and suddenly threw a punch on Wang Yibo's face. The sudden action made the vice-president stumble backwards. Fresh blood started dripping from his bruised lip and once more, his anger came back.

• • •

Mianmian just finished delivering the folder to the arts committee and made her way to the council room to fix some things. Upon arriving, he saw a student knocking non-stop of the door. "Ah? Is something the matter?" She asked as she approached the student. "M-Mianmian!" The junior cried and grasped her hands, "The president and the vice-president are fighting! It seems like it's turning out bad!"

"What? Where are they?" Mianmian worriedly asked and felt her heart racing. Hopefully, Xiao-ge's alright.

"They were at the backside of the gym earlier but Wang-ge dragged him out somewhere."

"You tell a professor about this matter! I'm going to find them!" She said as she ran through the hallways looking for the two council members.

While running, she bumped into someone, "Ah, I'm so sorry. I'm in a rus-" she cuts herself upon seeing who it is, "Zhuocheng!"

I Hate the Way You Say My Name | YiZhanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz