Chapter 20

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After discussing with Seungyoun for two hours, Wang Yibo spins on his chair as he ran a hand through his hair. His phone started vibrating like crazy as it kept ringing with notifications. It was getting a bit annoying so he takes it and swipes it open.

You have 5 unread messages from ChengChengKnowsItAll.

You really are sick. But please don't worry, base on the results, it's not that serious.

But in your case, it's very contagious. So if you intend to get rid of what you're currently feeling, we advice you to transfer it to the person you're having a problem with.

To know what's the right possible healing method to be advised for you and to transfer it to that person, please do the following:

Always say pleasant words to that person. Like complimenting them!
• Try your best to be nice.
• Always help them.
• And if things are going pretty well, hug them! Since physical contact has the higher chance to transfer your unnecessary feelings.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Please do send us the results and we'll get back at you.

Wang Yibo doesn't know what to actually after reading the series of messages. Was this a really good idea? And transfer these unnecessary feelings that he's been suffering to the president? Wang Yibo stared at the ceiling and a smirk rose from the corner of his lips.

Haha! I want to see the president suffer if he felt like this! That would look funny.

Wang Yibo types a reply, Okay. But you never told me what's the name of this sickness.

Currently, on the other side of the campus dorms,"Quick! Search for a synonym of love!" Guo Cheng panickingly said as he slaps Fanxing. "Ouch! I told you to stop slapping me," he complained as he takes out his phone. "What about adoration?" Peixin recommended. Guo Cheng frowned at him. "Isn't that too obvious?"

"How about ardor vehemence?" Fanxing said as he shows a list of synonyms for the word love. "Nice! Then change it to another language."

"What? Why?"

"To make it sound fancy or something," he defended and Qi Peixin rolled his eyes. "He can just search it up on the net if that happens, try merging the words," Fanxing explained and he doesn't even know why he's helping these two and mischievous friends of his.

"You're so intelligent Xing!"

"Verhemardor?" Peixin suggested and the other two hums for a bit. "That should work? Pretty sure I never heard of a word like that before," Fanxing added. "Well Verhemardor sickness it is!"

"Why am I being dragged with you guys too?" Fanxing sighs and Guo Cheng just laughed.

"You're already part of this since the beginning," Peixin smirked and Fanxing heaves another sigh. "You guys are not fit to be doctors."

"What? If I found a new disease, I'd also name it Verhemardor!" Guo Cheng said as he typed on his laptop without meeting Fanxing's eyes. "It sounds extremely out of this world."

"You don't have the right to judge that word since you also agreed," Peixin said as he laughed and Fanxing doesn't know what to say anymore.

It's called Vehemardor sickness, even though that sickness is very common, nobody is talking about it online since it's pretty normal. Wang Yibo stared at his screen for a good while and squinted them for a bit. Is that even a word? No one talks about it online? He opens a new tab and searched Vehermardor Sickness and indeed, nothing showed up! Wang Yibo shrugs and thought, guess that ChengCheng really does knows it all.

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