(8) would you be so kind? (Logicality)

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Patton was rolling on his bed trying to sleep. He eventually gave up and went to the kitchen to grab a midnight snack. While he was reaching for a cookie jar however, he heard someone lightly strumming a ukulele. He went near the source of the sound and was shocked to hear it coming from Logan's room. Then the unexpected happened. Logan started to sing.

~Patton's POV~

 i have a question

it might seem strange

how are your lungs?

are they in pain?

Is it a love song? AND WHY HAS HE NEVER TOLD ME HE CAN PLAY THE UKULELE?! I started leaning closer to the door to hear him better.

'cause mine are aching

Oh no! Why? Does he need help?! Should I call Roman and Virgil?!--

think I know why..

I kinda like it though..

you wanna try?

Aww, he has a crush! I doubt it's me though..

oh, would you be so kind as to fall in love with me

you see, i'm trying,

Oh! It's that song! Oh my goodness, I want to sing along so badly!

i know you know that i like you

but that's not enough

so if you will,

Agh, I can't hold it in anymore!

~No-one's POV~

"Please fall in love," Patton continued the lyrics scaring Logan. "I think it's only fair, there's gotta be some butterflies somewhere!"

"Wanna share, cause.." Logan sang as he continued to strum his ukulele.

"I like you," the two boys sang at the same time.

"But that's not enough." Patton sang, a sheepish smile tugging on his lips.

"So if you will," Logan continued, while a light tint of red crept on his face.

"Please fall in love with me~" Patton sang. Logan then stopped strumming his ukulele and stood up. He took Patton by the hand and kissed it gently, making Patton's face put Roman's sash to shame.

"I already have, dear."


Gee, I didn't know that Logan was such a flirt. Btw, I love Dodie Clark to death. Especially her underrated song Dear Happy. Ironically, it's a duet with Thomas Sanders himself.

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