(4) Flirting (Prinxiety and a bit of Logicality)

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After filming with Thomas, Roman, Patton and Logan were hanging out at the common room in the mind palace. Suddenly, Virgil came out of his room and enters the common room (Which was odd as he never leaves his room). Patton saw Virgil walk in the living room and immediately walked towards him.

"Sup, kiddo!" Patton exclaimed as he walked towards the anxious trait. Virgil didn't respond. Patton seemed a little hurt but mostly confused. Virgil walked by Patton and walked towards Roman.

"Somebody call the cops, because it's gotta be illegal to be beautiful." Virgil muttered to Roman before walking back to his room. This left the Prince speechless. The room was filled with shocked silence for a while.

"Wh-What was that.. about?" Roman stuttered, face flushed. Logan grinned while Patton had the same look of confusion on his face.

~ The Next Day ~

What happened yesterday was still repeating in Roman's mind.

Why'd he say that?

Doesn't he hate me?

Well, I guess we made up but..

Did he mean it?

The more questions that filled Roman's mind, the warmer his face felt. He got up and walked out his room to have breakfast. To his surprise, he saw Virgil munching on some toast. Roman hesitantly walked towards the kitchen and took some bread. He placed them in the toaster and waited for the bread to toast. Out of the blue, Virgil walked towards Roman and grabbed his hand.

"Eh? What was that for?" Roman asked, face as red as his sash. Virgil smirked confidently.

"What? your hand looked heavy so I held it for you." And with that, Virgil went back to his room. Roman was once again, speechless. Suddenly the toast popped up. Perfect timing.. Roman thought.

~ The Next Day ~

Patton wanted to go out to the beach as the weather was looking alright today. Roman agreed immediately and Logan and Virgil agreed after a while of convincing. They packed some proper swimming attire and headed out to the beach.

Once they arrived, Patton dragged Logan to the changing rooms while Roman and Virgil followed behind. Roman wanted to ask Virgil about the past two days but pushed it away. The four finished changing and headed out. What Roman noticed was that Patton has been staring at Logan all day. How adorable.. Roman thought. Patton dragged Logan to the ocean and pushed him in. The two were having a lot of fun, even Logan. Roman looked beside him and saw Virgil sitting on the sand, Virgil was staring up at the prince-like personality in a lovesick way.

"Do you have a tan or did you always look this hot?" Virgil spoke up out of nowhere. An obvious blush started forming onto Roman's face. Oh, you know what, two can play in this game.. Roman thought as a mischievous smile started to form.

"Do you have a name? or can I call you Mine?" Roman said with a wink. Virgil was surprised but soon understood the game they were playing.

"Can you pinch me, because you're so fine I feel like I'm dreaming.." Virgil flirted back. Roman smirked.

"Are you a camera? Because whenever I look at you, I try to look my best." Roman flirted back, inching closer to Virgil. Virgil let out a soft giggle before flirting back. And that went on. It was a back and forth flirting until Virgil gave an unexpected flirt.

"I've been wondering, do your lips taste as good as they look?" Virgil flirted, feeling more confident. Roman's eyes widen and his face was getting warmer.

"Well kiss me if you really want to know." Roman flirted back inching even closer to Virgil until they're lips were one inch away from eachother. Without hesitation, Virgil closed the gap between the two. Roman shocked at first but kissed back passionately.

And, let's just say, it wasn't their last kiss. 


K, that ending was crap ;-;

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