Chapter 26

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The flight from Manila to El Nido took an hour and a half. With luck on their side, they were able to book a room at Maremegmeg Beach Club, but with a little bit of a problem.

"Are you sure there's only one room available?" Ben repeatedly asked the lady.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but there's only one room left for two," the lady replied.

"We'll take it," Didith butt in. Ben looked at her, but she only gestured for him to keep quiet.

"How many beds does it have?" she followed up.

"It's a bedroom for two with one bed, Ma'am. But you can request an extra mattress with additional payment."

"No need. It's fine with just one bed." Didith turned to Ben and asked for his credit card.

"Thank you," they both said to the lady when she returned the card to Ben. They took the card key and went to their room with their luggage.

"Is it really fine with you? Because I can try to go out and look for another hotel," Ben asked Didith.

"Hey, don't worry about me. It's like I haven't slept with you in a room," she winked at him.

But this is so like in the movies where the man and the woman are left with no choice but to share a bedroom, Ben thought.

It's a spacious room with a bed a sofa, and a veranda overlooking the beach. The bathroom is also spacious complete with a towel, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste.

"I'm starving! Let's go find something to eat." Ben pushed Didith by the shoulders out of the room. It's already three in the afternoon and they haven't taken their lunch yet. After which, they headed back to their room to unpack and rest.

"I'll take the sofa. You sleep in the bed," Ben instructed Didith and took one of the pillows.

"No," Didith declined. "Let's both have the bed. And besides, there's only one blanket, and I know you can't sleep without it."

Didith climbed onto the bed and immediately fell asleep. But Ben could not. The thought of him with her in one bed is stressing him out. Yes, they slept in a room before but they were on separate beds, and he still wasn't so sure of his feelings for her at that time. It's different now. This time, he has completely fallen in love with her.

For the last three hours, all he did was look at her sleeping face and think of how he would let her know his feelings. It was already two in the morning when he finally dozed off.

"Good morning," Didith cheerfully greeted Ben. She just came out of the bath.

"Hi. Good morning," Ben answered in a deep voice, still half-asleep.

"Get up now, take a bath, and we'll have breakfast when you're done." Ben, then, pulled himself out of the bed and went straight to the bathroom.

Inclusive in their stay is breakfast. They had a hearty meal of Filipino and American dishes. As soon as they've finished, they set their list of things to do for that day.

They went on an island tour assisted by the staff in the hotel. It was exhausting but satisfying. Then, they tried the Canopy Walk. Because Didith is afraid of heights, Ben makes sure that his grip on her is tight.

"It, sure, was fun, right?" Ben jumped to the sofa.

"It was. And I'm glad that I was able to experience it with you because I wouldn't be able to do it alone," Didith said, placed her sling bag on the bed, and went to the bathroom.

Ben must've fallen asleep on the sofa because when Didith came out, he was snoring. She softly called out his name, trying not to startle him. And he slowly opened his eyes.

"Take a shower first before you sleep." Ben nodded and stood up.

While he was in the bathroom, Didith brought out her diary and started to write. She never leaves without her diary. She made sure she had it at work, at the grocery, in the movies, and just about anywhere she went.

When he came out, "Are you hungry? I'm not but I'll go out and buy you something to eat if you are," Didith offered.

"Nah, I'm fine. I just feel tired." He slipped inside the blanket. "Aren't you going to sleep now?" he asked.

"I will." Didith placed her diary on the sofa and covered it with a throw pillow. She, then, lay down on the right side of the bed facing Ben. "Thank you, Ben."

"Huh? For what?"

"For this wonderful adventure," she chuckled, "if I can call it as such."

"It's thank you because you agreed to come as your birthday gift to me," Ben smiled.

"Right. Happy birthday tomorrow."

Ben laughed this time. "Good night, Didith."

When he opened his eyes in the morning, "Happy birthday!" Didith exclaimed.

She hugged him and whispered Happy birthday.

"Thank you," Ben whispered, too.

She took out her gift wrapped in green Japanese paper.

"What's this?"

"Open it," Didith urged him.

He unwrapped it and opened the box. It's a table tennis racket.

"What can I say?" He looked at her. "I can't thank you enough."

Still seated on the bed, he leaned to her and kissed her on the forehead. Didith was surprised but didn't make a fuss. It's his birthday anyway, she thought.

"Just what would I do without you?"

"I know!" They both laughed.

"Let's have breakfast after I'm done in the shower. I'm starving because we didn't have dinner last night," Ben said as he went to the bathroom.

While waiting for him, Didith was trying to calm her heart.

It's only a kiss on the forehead but my heart can't stop beating so fast. This is not so good, she thought.


Thank you for reading.


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