Chapter 4

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In the TV room with my roommates, we were watching a PBA game, Ginebra vs. Purefoods, when Ben came from his class. He tapped my shoulder and gestured to follow him.

He looked tired and hungry. His knapsack was full of books and notebooks. We sat on the left side of the sofa. Alex and Tino, our dormmates, were seated on the other side doing some homework.

"Have you eaten already?" he asked. He pulled his handkerchief from the back of his pants and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Not yet," I answered. "Do you want to eat now?"

"Yup, let's eat. Let me just take my things in the room, okay?" He took his bag and ran upstairs.

When I saw him take the last step of the stairs, I started to walk slowly but he suddenly held me by the hand. Alex and Tino looked at us but I just lowered my eyes. When we were outside of the dorm, he placed his arm on my shoulder as we headed to the canteen.

Just like that, it's become so 'normal' (for lack of a better word to use) for us to be such. And he even calls me by my nickname like he's known me for a long time already.

At one time, we had dinner with his friend Rod, and his girlfriend, Pam. I don't have rice anymore but I still have a small piece of pork on my plate. Since I'm not into viands, I would just leave whatever is left on my plate if there is no more rice. I already placed my spoon and fork on the left side of the plate when Ben took the small piece of pork and ate it. He did it so casually while talking to Rod. He didn't even ask if it was okay with me or what. Pam and I just looked at each other.

There was also this time when Pam was selling Toblerone and offered Ben. I knew he was not into too much sweets. But then he asked, "Didith, would you like one?"

"Um, I don't have my wallet here. I only brought an exact amount for dinner, " I said.

"Hey, I'm going to pay for it, not you," he said. "Please give her one, Pam." Pam gave me the chocolate while Ben handed her the payment. Then he stood up with Rod to get a pint of ice cream.

"Are you sure you two don't have something? You know, something-something?" I knew she meant to ask me that even before so I wasn't surprised anymore.

"We're friends. He even introduced me as his sister to one of his classmates," I said, matter-of-factly.

"But I've known Ben since high school and believe me, he's a tightwad, and he doesn't have many friends, especially girl friends," Pam wondered.

I smiled and said, "Aren't big brothers supposed to pamper little sisters?"

"Oh, well, I guess he's changed," she tried to convince herself.

The two then returned. Rod got Cookies and Cream. Ben had Double Dutch. I scooped a spoon but Ben grabbed my hand and ate the ice cream I scooped. Wait! Did he just use my spoon? Yes, he did.

"Thanks," he smiled sheepishly.

Rod must have noticed that I blushed because I felt my cheeks turn warm.

"Hey, Didith, you have to eat your ice cream as fast as you can so Ben won't snatch it away from you," he said. Then he turned to Ben, "And you said you're buying it for her."

"I did. It's hers. I just had a taste of it," he said while he looked away.

There's another one.

The Biology Lecture had ended. Me and my classmate we're supposed to get a frog to dissect for our Biology Lab class. We were in the waiting shed when Ben saw us. He seemed not in a good mood that day.

"What are you still doing here?" He looked at me with a frown knowing my class schedule.

"We need a frog for tomorrow's Lab," I said. "By the way, this is Adrian, my batchmate and coursemate."

They shook hands and Ben asked him, "What time will you be done looking for a frog?"

"Not sure, but I promise to bring her to the dorm before the sun sets," Adrian said like he was talking to my father.

"Okay. Just make sure you're done before 6 o'clock." Ben shook hands again with Adrian.

He then turned to me and said, "Dinner."

I nodded and saw him take the next jeep going to the dorm.

Was he mad? I thought to myself.


You might wonder why Her Story is mostly narrative. Yes. The female lead character is narrating her version of the story. That is why the tenses are all in the past because it already happened and she's just telling her story.

Please keep on reading. I promise to do an update every week.

Thank you. Enjoy!

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