Chapter 23

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First thing in the morning, I sent a text invitation to Didith for lunch. She told me that she'll be doing work outside of the office. I asked where she was going and that I would meet her from where she'd be.

At first, I hesitated because she might decline my invitation. I'm glad she didn't. I thought this was a good start.

I wanted to take the initiative because I don't want us to be distant again. It doesn't matter to me now if we've been away for a year. I just want to move forward and return to our old friendship. If I can move further than just friendship, I will.

I don't want to make the same mistake I did a year ago. I can't waste a single minute like I used to.


It didn't surprise me that he asked me out for lunch. That's him. He was always the first one to ask me out for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or whatever.

I readily agreed to his invitation because I didn't want to miss out on being with him. The year that we were not together has been so lonely that I wouldn't want it to happen again. If we can return to how we were before, I'd be glad with it. 

I'll take this chance.


I wonder if she still likes to eat lasagna. I mean, knowing that she takes breakfast seriously, she'll just have a light lunch. I have to search for a restaurant that serves delicious pasta. Or, we can have the usual rice and viand meal. Nah, she's used to having a heavy breakfast and a light meal for lunch and dinner. Yes, I think, that should do it.

But what should I wear? I have an early meeting so I need to be in a suit. A plain sky-blue long-sleeved shirt should be fine, I guess. I'll just remove the tie after the meeting.

I'll finish the meeting as soon as I can so I can leave early.

I'll set an allowance for two and a half hours of travel time. In that way, I won't be late.


Where could he be taking me? Should I have a heavy breakfast now? If I go hungry later I don't think I can eat with ease in front of him. I'll eat rice and the leftover adobo today.

I think I'll wear a pink blouse and jeans, plus my Jack Purcell. It's field work today so I should be wearing comfy clothes.

Should I pull my hair back or just leave it flowing? But it's fieldwork. I hate it when my hair is going to my face. I'll just pull it back with my black ribbon.

My room is a mess now. Let me tidy up a little.

Okay, I'm done. I have to hurry up so I can go to the site and finish work early. In case we'll have to extend our lunch, at least I have accomplished much.


As soon as the meeting ends, I'll text her right away to tell her that I'm done. I should be at the place before lunch. I don't want her to wait for me. Plus, I have to think of the traffic.

I hope she enjoys the restaurant later.

Can't wait to see her today!


I'll tell my team that I'll go to some place during lunch. But I'll make sure that I'll be done on time. Anyway, fieldwork doesn't need us to return to the office in the afternoon.

He should be calling me by now. Or, probably he'll just text me.

I'm halfway through with my notes. I'll transfer this to my flash drive and hand it over to Lily before I leave.

What the...? My hands are starting to sweat!


What am I so excited about?


Thank you for reading.


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