Chapter 25

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"So, the reason you hate beaches is because you don't know how to swim?" Ben looked at Didith. "How come I didn't know about it?"

"I didn't tell you. But it's not like I hate beaches. Maybe I've always felt unsafe because, like what you said, I don't know how to swim." Didith picked up the paper that fell in her study.

"I know how to. I'll guide you and promise that I won't leave you alone in the water," Ben smiled.

"Wait, do you want coffee? I'll prepare one while you're thinking about it." He dashed out to the kitchen, took out Didith's pink mug, and put in the 3-in-1 sachet of coffee. He also took out another mug for himself.

Ben had always planned a beach getaway but has been postponed several times because of Didith.

"Should I go or not? He's so persistent!" she muttered.

"I am?!?" Ben exclaimed with the two cups of coffee in his hands and placed them on the table. "But I won't leave you. I'll stay with you the whole time so you won't feel afraid."

"Can you give me a few minutes to think about it?"

"Okay. One, two, three, four..." Ben started to count.

"Fine. I'll go. But promise me that we won't sleep in a tent. I'm afraid of snakes and other crawling creatures," she reminded him.

"Yes! Let's just say that this is your birthday gift to me." He hugged her and whispered, "Thank you."

Didith laughed and tapped him on his back.

"Don't worry about the tent because we'll get two rooms for us so you'll be comfortable in your sleep." Ben sipped a coffee. "But please, you can't go back in your words, okay?"

"I won't." Didith gestured a cross-my-heart sign on her left. "But where are we going?"

"In Marimegmeg Beach in El Nido."

"In Palawan?"

"Yes. We'll take a plane from Manila directly to El Nido to avoid van transfers. And, I'll let you choose where we should stay to what best suits you."

Didith just remained silent over Ben's excitement. She hasn't been on an out-of-town trip with him which would go over days, and nights. They've been to nearby provinces but it's always a one-day trip. This will be a first for them.

"What? Are you thinking of backing out? You can't! You can't back out now because you already promised. You can't!"

A deep sigh from Didith, "I know."


Didith just shook her head.

"I better go," Ben said as he took three more sips of coffee. "I need to go back to the office. But I'll call you later before I leave work."

"Right. Careful on your driving."

As soon as he entered his car, he grabbed his phone and sent Didith a text message. "Don't forget to eat dinner tonight. I'll go straight home later."

They had two weeks to prepare for the trip and both of them immediately filed for a two-day vacation leave. The flight is Thursday morning and they will return on Sunday. 

"Are they strict with swimwear? I can't decide what to buy. Can I just wear cycling shorts and a plain shirt?" Didith was choosing a swimsuit because she doesn't have one. "Can I try this and that one, too, Miss?" She motioned the saleslady.

"Well, just to be sure, bring at least one. We don't know yet if they have restrictions regarding what to wear."

"Yeah. Call you later. I need to try these. Bye." Didith took the swimsuits from the saleslady and went to the fitting room. A few minutes later, she already made a choice and went to the Cashier to pay.

When she returned home, she started packing her things. They only have three more days before their departure.

"How come you're only bringing a sling bag and luggage?" Didith's mother asked. She had known Ben since their college days and had been rooting secretly for him.

"Mother, we'll only stay there for four days and three nights. I don't think I need to bring more." She turned off the television and headed to her room. Her mother followed.

"In case you will be tempted to buy souvenirs, at least you'll have something to put it into." 

"That won't be a problem because I have with me two foldable bags for the souvenirs," Didith assured her mother.

"Like mother, like daughter," her mother replied. "I'll sleep now. I'll leave early tomorrow for some materials I need to buy and collect."

"Good night, then," Didith said.

"Rod, I think this is it. I'll propose to her in Palawan. This is the right moment." Ben was with Rod in their favorite restaurant in Timog.

"Propose? You haven't even started courting her. What are you saying propose?" Rod smirked.

"Well, I guess, what I'm trying to say is that I'll let her know my real feelings for her. This time, I will see to it that I tell her everything from the time I realized that I love her till now." He lowered his head and tilted it to his left.

"You already said that before so I'll just wait and see once you have finally done it," Rod seemed unsure of Ben.

"If this is not the right time, then, when?" Ben looked at Rod.

"You're the only one who can tell when," Rod clinked his bottle of Coke to Ben's.

"I am not going to lose her for the second time," Ben promised. "Not anymore."


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