"We need to get you out of here, before all unmated males in the room can smell you."

Before I could stand up, Issac grabbed me from the chair and carried me out of the room. I laid my head on his chest, breathing in the calming scent. I could tell it was already starting to make me more hormonal. Normally I would be objecting to this, telling him I could walk by myself, but for some reason I didn't.

He pushed open the door to his room and sat me down on the bed. He turned around and walked into his closet, grabbing a large t-shirt and returning with it.

"I want you to stay here for tonight. My scent should help calm you down some. Im gonna start a cold bath. If you don't want me to see you naked put this on." He tossed the shirt towards me, having it land just a few inches away.

I picked it up, rubbing my fingers over the soft fabric. I heard Issac walk into his bathroom, turning on the water.

I stood up, taking off the clothes I was wearing and throwing on the shirt over me. I left my underwear on even though the shirt went down to my knees.

Issac walked back into the room, he stopped for a second his eyes darkening as he looked over me.
"We should get you in the tub, the higher the moon gets, the less time we have."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I followed him into the bathroom. Before I could even get into the tub, a wave of pain hit me. I stumbled a little, grabbing ahold of my stomach. Issac noticed and was by my side in an instant, his hands felt cool against my hips. His touch was like a relief I didn't know I needed. I leaned into him a bit more when the next wave hit. He wrapped his arms around me, and picked me up. He sat me into the cold water, which helped to relieve the burning feeling I was feeling within me.

I laid back against the edge of the tub, my eyes closing as another wave hit. I hadn't noticed I was sweating until I felt Isaac push away the few beads of sweat that were streaming down my cheeks.

When I opened my eyes, I was met with Issacs swirling ones. He was fighting his wolf for control. When you start heat, any unmated wolf could smell it and wanted to mate. It also made the female super horny; and if another male touched her,  a horrible burning sensation would occur.

He closed his eyes for a second, and when he opened them, his normal blue eyes returned. He took my hand and placed it in his, kissing it softly.

I bit my lip when the pain returned. I felt my wolf whimpering slightly, wanting nothing but her mate to make it stop.

But after taking what Sophia said into consideration, I did not want to even think about completing the mating process, no matter what my hormones craved.

Out of breath by now, I looked at Isaac trying to gather as much strength as I could to talk to him.

"Can you come in the tub with me?" I asked, leaning my head against the side of the large tub.

Isaac shook his head at first. He let out a small sigh and looked down at my hand. "Its taking everything in me to not lose control with my wolf. I'm not sure I can handle being in the tub with you. I might lose control."

I took my hand and placed it on his cheek, pushing his face back to mine. His features softened when he looked back at me. "Please."

The pain intensified, causing me to whimper more. Isaac sighed, standing up slowly. After pulling his shirt up over his head, he climbed into the tub behind me. He pulled my body on his lap, and placed me against his chest. I felt his arms snake their way around my waist. My burning skin enjoyed the coolness of his, and I moaned at the enormous amount of tingles.

Isaac growled lowly within his chest. He placed his head into my neck, inhaling deeply. I felt him move my shirt to the side a bit before he kissed my neck, right at the place that one would mark their mate.

I moaned again, biting my lip. Goddess I was a mess.

Isaac growled louder, his canines nipping at my skin.

"My wolf wants to mark you so bad.." Isaac whispered in my ear, licking my ear lobe.

"Do it..." I felt so weak in his arms. My entire body was begging to mate. The thought of pregnancy scared me and I knew I wasn't ready for that yet.

Isaac stopped, his body stiffening under me. The pain started back up again, my body craving more of him.

"Are you serious?" I could hear the strain in his voice, showing me he was fighting his wolf for control.

I whimpered slightly as the pain became more powerful, hitting me like a ton of bricks.

"Yes." I whispered.

Isaac slowly turned my body to face his, my legs wrapping around his waist. Isaac's eyes were a dark shade of black, showing his wolf was at the surface.

His eyes drifted down to the crease of my neck, once again pushing the fabric of the shirt out of the way.

He looked back up to me once more, as if asking permission. I nodded my head, and with that he placed his lips on my collar bone. I let out a moan, wrapping my fingers in his hair and tugging.

Isaac growled in response, him loving the extra skin on skin contact. He left a trail of kisses until he finally hit the exact spot he was going for. I felt his canines extend, hitting the edge of my skin. I moved my hands to his back, holding on to him tightly.

His teeth sunk into my neck, causing me to whimper more and press my nails into his back. It hurt bad, but it quickly turned into pleasure. I moaned loudly, biting my lip to try and quiet down more.

Isaac removed his teeth and licked the wound, making the bleeding stop.

He let out another growl, pulling me in closer to him.


I felt my eyes closing from exhaustion. But before I fell completely alseep against his chest, I whispered one word.


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