『One of a Brew』

Start from the beginning

Eve looked up at him for a moment, before looking over towards Brita. "It's called the British Empire, Oniisama." As Jack had said before, she had no problem lying to other people even though she didn't like it when other people lied to her directly.

"There's an Empire that far out, of humans?" Brita asked curiously as she looked him over. She didn't quite understand how that was possible.

"Not... Anymore." Jack cleared his throat, rubbing it slightly with his free hand.

Brita frowned, there was a bit of hope for humanity to go against the Demi-Humans if there was an Empire out there. That would mean that one day, the other nations that saw humans as food, would one day be forced into submission.

That didn't seem like it would be the case.

So as they came up on to the front of the shop, the trio would look over the building.

"This be it," Brita said as she scratched the back of her head, before walking up to the front door.

"So this is where the famous pharmacist lives with her grandson..." Jack said as he looked over the place. It didn't seem all that shabby as it was consistent with the very European inspired architecture.

Eve brushed her hand along the door frame as they walked into the building. Her eyes looking over all the drawers filled with herbs and medicines. Before resting her eyes on a boy with blond hair and long bangs. She blinked a few times before looking at her brother.

Jack's eyes were resting on the blond boy, it was Nphirea, the person with the talent to use any magical item even if it were to be designed to work for a singular individual.

The temptation to devour him was pretty much growing inside. Maybe, he could wait until the kid was dead, or dying? Jack's internal debate was interrupted by Nphirea's voice.

"Welcome..." His one blue eye was showing through his long bangs. His eyes shifted over the man in blue sturdy robes. Then down to the child who was staring up at him.

"Mister Nphirea Baleare?" Brita asked as she looked over him. He seemed like the shy type, or at least unassertive. She smiled lightly as his eyes rested on her.

"Yes, do you have business with me?" He'd ask curiously looking over the trio which had come through the front door.

Jack was tempted to grab some hair pins and change the man's hair so he could see his eyes. The bowl cut was a bit long and he didn't quite understand the reason for having such long bangs. Especially in this line of work.

However he did recognize his hairdo as a trend from the Earth he lived in. Perhaps it was popular here?

Stepping forward, Jack would raise his free hand slightly. "I have something I'd like your grandmother to look at." his eyes traced over the young man's physique. He was physically weak, but he was in some regard intelligent.

The young man blinked a few times, "What is it?"

Jack reached into the air and his hand would pluck an item out of a spatial rift of some kind, revealing a highly decorated vial of red liquid and another vial of a transparent blue liquid. It was a lesser healing potion and a vial of Zolue Solution which had been manufactured through the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

The young man stared at the healing potion before glancing to the solution. It looked like a reagent used for brewing potions.

"A lesser healing potion and the Solution used for brewing it."

The moment they were identified as a healing potion and a brewing solution, his eyes widened. He held out his hands for them to be handed to him.

Delicately, he placed them in the boys hand. "Come on, f-fo-follow me." He said, clearly excited as he stuttered over his words and lead them into the back room.

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