chapter 21

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In ozpin offices...

We can see Blake infront of the headmaster, Blake more than amazed by the probability to defeat the combine.

Ozpin: miss Belladonna, remember, this has to bee kept has a secret. Or terrible thing could happen.

Blake: understood headmaster. But what about my team?

Ozpin: they will know in due time. At the moment it's to risky to more people knowing the existing of the resistance.

Blake: understood... Then... What now?

Ozpin: that's for you to decide. I recommend you to take some rest. You have been through a lot this 2 weeks.

Blake: yeah... Thanks headmaster.

Ozpin: no problem miss Belladonna. You can go now.

Then Blake took her leave, and went to her dorm to see her team, after all she didn't see them for 2 weeks.

When she finally arrived she got closer to the door, she thought for a moment of what to say, and later of a brief moment, she opened the door to see their teammates inside, she felt a lot of joy to see her team once again.

Ruby: BLAKE!!

Ruby using her semblence tackled to the ground Blake of happiness. And later the rest of the team went to Blake to help her take off ruby.

Yang: Ruby!! Come on, get off Blake!

Ruby: sorry but I just can't I'm so happy to see her!!!

Weiss: Ruby! Get off her remember she just went to see her family! She must be tired.

Ruby: oh! Sorry Blake.

Blake: it's alright. It's actually good to see you all.

Yang: so, how went the lil' vacations you got?

Blake: it... It was alright, I enjoyed to see my family again.

Ruby: so what did you do while you were back home?

Blake: nothing special... You know just some talk and having a good time with my mom and dad.

Yang: well. It looks like team RWBY is back together.

Ruby: SO! Weiss... Do you have anything to say to Blake?

Weiss: ...*looking at Blake with regret* look Blake, I'm really sorry about what happened the other day with our little fight. I'm sorry that I was to racist at the faunus. And I just want to say that I don't care if you are a ex-member of the white fang. I just care that you are my friend. And I am really sorry...

The rest of the team look dumbfound at weiss. And with some confusion.

Yang: wow... I never thought you actually said sorry more than once on a single sentence...

Weiss:*kind of shy* i-i really thought about a good apology I could say to blake.

Ruby: wow. Well I think it was the best apology YOU could say.

Blake: and I forgive you for what you said. It really means a lot. Coming from a schnee.

And then they just laught at the moment they were having...

Sometime before Blake woke up from her prison...

Now with the mission of the greatest team of CP's

Griff and caboose were sneaking in a white fang base that the scanner caught and probably where sienna Khan was located.

This mission was of the most and important of the ongoing operation on menagerie. The mission consisted on kill or capture sienna Khan and the infamous Adam tauorus.

I'm The OVERLORDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें