Chapter 22 Who Are You?

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John dismissed the thought as soon as it came.

Danny loved his Dad a lot. He had seen his love and concern over the days

Or was it fear?

Did he fear his dad?

But what for?

"I don't have to show my feelings to anyone. I have my final word. This fellow is not staying in my house." Henry declared.

"I thought this was OUR house" Danny mumbled but in a voice clear enough for John and Henry to hear.

"Nevertheless if he cannot stay here. Neither would I." Danny declared and John's mouth went hanging open. He did not know that Danny cared for him so much. He however knew there was much more to the father son duo than that was visible.

"So you are leaving too just like her?" Henry spat "must have known like mother like son."

"no I am nothing like her." Danny shouted back for the first time "I so wish I was strong like her."

"You" Henry had fisted his hands so hard and he was about to hit Danny but he constrained himself.

"Wait wait" John interrupted "I am sorry. It is because of me you guys are fighting" John said "I think its better for all that I should leave."

"No I am leaving too." Danny stated firmly.

"No" John denied "you can't. Your dad's just home from hospital he needs you."

"No he needs a son who is perfect; smart, intelligent and a man."

'A man?' John thought Danny was too upset at his words to measure his words before speaking.

And Henry might be a cursing and complaining father. He couldn't be that bad; his friends loved him, people around respected him.

"You heard me right dad, john" Danny's voice was choked now "I just had a break up with my girlfriend" he said "and no not because either of us were cheating or I wasn't smart enough for her. Yes I wasn't good enough for her."

"Danny" John compassionately put his hand on his shoulder, a gesture he expected his father to follow "its okay couple's break up. Some times two people aren't compatible enough." He rubbed his back "don't beat yourself over it."

Finally not able to take it anymore Danny pushed John's hand from his back. He knew John might even be disgusted at him once he knew the truth "I broke up with Nova because I am gay. Did you hear me I am gay?" Danny yelled at Henry.

"What rubbish?" Henry said instantaneously "there is nothing like gay. This is what you new generations have made up to defy our morals and religion and have a so-called rebellious life. Just shut up." He put his twinkies in the air "you guys think rebel is cool"

"Henry." John called up to his father for the first time "the boy is upset. All he wants for now is love and support of the family. Don't say this." He begged, "you are the only family he has"

"Love and support bullshit!" Henry yelled, "he wants to bring disgrace to the family because he is stupid and he thinks he is attracted towards boys." He addressed Danny poking on his thick hairy head "Damn you are not gay. You just need a good doctor" Henry was loud "cut their hair" he ordered Danny and kept on blabbering "Don't seem to understand why do they grow their hair, its been a legacy or a tradition men cut their hair, women grow them, they just want to fight everything. Without the consequences! Why are these youngsters so rash?" he kept on with all his negative statements obviously not happy with Danny and his preferences. "And your earphones or earmuffs whatever you call them I just want to pluck them out of your ears and throw them into garbage crusher."

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