talktotransformer. com

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Bold= my writing

Normal: talk to transformer

Katherine had been running for hours, her barefeet becoming numb and cold slamming into the painful, sharp and cold pavement.

 She kept running because it was the only thing that gave her any sort of sense of control of her body, and she wanted to run, to lose herself in the pain and the terror, to feel her body fall apart. The pain in her feet was excruciating and it was making her shiver uncontrollably. It was like every time she pushed off to the side, she was falling further.

It took her a while to realize that there was someone else running alongside her. She saw a woman, perhaps in her thirties, standing in the distance. The woman seemed to be smiling at her, but Katherine had no idea what that smile meant.

A few minutes later, she began to wonder if she had seen her. She kept running. Katherine ran, and ran, and

All he did was talk. Talk talk talk. It didn't matter what he was talking about, the only thing that mattered was the excruciating silence was trapped by sound.

The silence that haunted him was the silence of his own thoughts and words.

And there was nothing more to be done for him to feel at home here.

"I will come in a moment."

The man's voice was soft and melodic.

"The rest of you?"

Lilith turned, to face her two fellow sisters and her brother.

"Lilith…" He whispered. "I will come."

He smiled his bright smile of relief and gave the sisters a nod before leaving the room.

And he took a step into the hallway, and the silence that followed his step became even more painful.

His footsteps echoed in the hallways for what felt like an eternity.

He walked on

She kicked down the door in a panicked rush. The only light source was the moon's gentle light shining behind her. Still, the room seemed too dark to make out anything important. Cautiously, she stepped forward. Her barefoot stepped on a sticky liquid that, when she lifted her foot, strung back to its source.

"Blood" she whispered, shaking from the cold.

The door was wide open, with a huge blood stain in its center. On one side was a dead man, face down in the blood. On the other, a figure wearing what appeared to be a white lab coat. There was blood on the collar and in the folds. The man was slumped over in a chair. She moved to the chair, the body to her right, the coat to her left. Her fingers brushed the collar and she felt a tugging on her shirt. "What the hell was that?"

She took a step forward. The blood was on the floor in front of the chair. She

Oh and you can't write something too long. I did that and it didn't work lol. I still wanna show it to you

He fiddled around with the hilt of his sword as he patiently waited to be called.

"Shigechi?" An elderly voice called out from behind the door he stood behind.

"Yes mother?" Shigechi answered, stepping closer to the door

"Please." The frail voice commanded. "Come on in"

He placed his hand on the round doorknob and there sat his wrinkled, blob shaped mother.

To say he was shocked would be an understatement. His face contorted into a face of disgust and horror. Hesitantly, his mother held out a golden comb, multiple rare jewels sticking out at the end and before the brush began.

"Please. Comb my hair"

Shigechi stepped forward. Paused. Then continued to walk forward then took a firm hold of the comb

Her hair was no longer a silky soft brown but rather dry and messy

Stole this idea from ZoeSpook

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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