shush I got an idea-

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Okay so my book idea is basically where this kid (6 years old) is adopted by a fuckin assassin but the assassin hides it until the kid (12 years old) notices their dad is always out and sees them dragging a dead corpse in the forest.

They then see that their dad is pretty fucking shit at their job since they can't really hide the bodies well and they are just somewhere and then just covers up their murders because family-

It was all going fine and the kid turned 15 but then their dad falls in love at the age of 26 and it just gets so much more complicated with trying to get the guy to not find out their dad is an assassin and it just turns into a confusing mess of a life-

Also, the dad finds out he's bi since the person he likes is a guy and that's a mess

The kids a girl and is like me so she's a lesbian anxious mess but she covers up murders so whatever-

And yeah

I might make a full on, lots of chapters kinda book idk

Or a short book

Depends if anyone wants one

But I would like help with it since I can't write that well-

If you want it and wanna help, just comment or PM me-

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