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Ever meet that one person that makes you feel like you're a diamond?

That person who makes you feel as if you're the most beautiful ?

The one person who smiles and you forget everything that's wrong ?

He makes you smile.

He makes you laugh.

He makes you blush.

He makes you happy.

A feeling that's foreign to you.

Its almost too good to be true.

Months pass by.

You start to feel afraid.

Afraid of the future and what it brings.

He has to leave.

You feel your heart breaking.

It's too much.

The person who picked up all the broken pieces and made you feel whole again is leaving.

You smile.

Your eyes stinging with unshed tears.

"I wish you the best."

You look so strong and confident.

Your insides are churning.

Your knees threatening to collapse.

He takes a step away,

Smiles with tears in his eyes.

You grin.

Its too much.

Your body gives out.

Your strength leaves your body.

You're worst than before.

A shell of what you were.

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