Appetite for Destruction

Start from the beginning

"How many of these do we have to do, anyway?" Tuffnut asked Hiccup.

"As many as we can. The more dragons we tag on each island, the better we can keep track on where they belong and where they may migrate to." Hiccup explained.

"Wow! That was... uh..." Ruffnut trailed off, trying to find the right word.

"Fascinating?" Hiccup offered.

"What's the opposite of fascinating?" Tuffnut asked.

Hiccup just gave an exasperated sigh.

Astrid and Stormfly then flew in. "Hiccup? Isn't it supposed to be one dragon color per island?"

"Yeah, why?" Hiccup asked, turning to Astrid.

"I see two colors down there." She said, pointing to a few dragons with green paint on them. "Have we been using the wrong one?"

"I don't think so." Hiccup said. He then turned to the blonde twins.

"Don't look at us. If we had green paint, you know where it would be." Tuffnut said.

"Well I better ask Fishlegs. This was his idea. And Hicca to be sure." Hiccup said, walking to his saddle

"You're gonna fly all the way back to Berk?" Astrid asked.

"No, I don't have to." Hiccup said, taking out a charcoal and a piece of paper.

"What's he talking about?" Ruffnut asked her brother.

"He must have some of that magic paper we've been talking about." Tuffnut replied.

"He always gets the good stuff." Ruffnut grumbled.

"It's not magic paper. Fishlegs, Hicca and I have been working on something new. We call it 'airmail'." Hiccup explained as he wrote out the note and tied it onto Sharpshots' leg.

"Stupid name." Tuffnut commented.

"Right?" Ruffnut agreed.

"Do you really think that Terrible Terror's gonna fly all the way to Berk?" Astrid asked skeptically.

"Yep, and right to the academy. Terrors are especially territorial, so it's a natural instinct to return where they were released." Hiccup explained. The Terror then flew away to its destination.

"And how will we know if he made it?" Astrid asked.

"When Fishlegs, Raeda, Hicca and Snotlout meet us at Dragon Island." Hiccup answered.

"Please. If that happens, I'll kiss Snotlout on the lips." Astrid said, not believing the airmail would work.

Poor Astrid was going to regret saying that, because the Terrible Terror did make it back to Berk and brought the message straight to the Academy. Fishlegs, Hicca, Raeda and Snotlout all got on their dragons and made it to Dragon Island before Hiccup and Astrid could.

Snotlout was lying on the ground snoring while Hicca, Raeda and Fishlegs were waiting for the others to arrive.

Hiccup and Astrid have arrived, and Astrid was horrified to see that the airmail actually did work.

"Well, look who it is. Fishlegs, Snotlout, Raeda and Hicca, all four right here on Dragon Island." Hiccup said mostly to Astrid, waking Snotlout up in the process.

"Yeah, bro. We got your message." Hicca said, holding out the paper.

"Glad to see the airmail worked. This is really going to come in handy." Raeda said.

"Astrid was just talking about you." Hiccup said to his cousin, who was slowly regaining consciousness.

"Of course she was." Snotlout said stretching.

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